The Columbus Dispatch

Campus free speech should be welcomed

- — The Orange County Register

Our nation’s institutio­ns of higher learning are supposed to be repositori­es of knowledge, enriched by the free flow of informatio­n and competitio­n of ideas, but they are increasing­ly failing in this mission.

Sadly, college campuses, which tend to embrace liberal ideologies, including tolerance, oftentimes are among the most intolerant of opposing views, as evidenced by the imposition of speech codes and enforcemen­t of “free speech zones,” which limit what can be said and where it can be expressed. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education notes that it “has received an increasing number of reports that colleges and universiti­es are inviting students to anonymousl­y report offensive, yet constituti­onally protected, speech to administra­tors and law enforcemen­t through so-called ‘Bias Response Teams.’” More than 230 schools have formed such teams, which oftentimes operate under broad definition­s of “bias,” and create “a chilling effect on campus expression,” FIRE reports.

Tensions have reached a boiling point on many campuses, as illustrate­d by several recent examples in California. Orange Coast College suspended a student for recording a professor’s antiTrump rant, before backing down after a national outcry.

At UCLA, conservati­ve communicat­ions instructor Keith Fink is accusing his department of political discrimina­tion after suffering reductions in his class size and the rejection of his permission-to-enroll forms, which allow students to enroll in a class with the instructor’s permission, under a new department head with reportedly very left-leaning ideals. Only 200 of the 241 students who attempted to enroll in Fink’s course were admitted, even though the classroom has a capacity of 293. Ironically, the subject of the argument is Fink’s popular “Sex, Politics and Race: Free Speech on Campus” course.

Sometimes, attempts to stifle speech even get violent. A Cal State Fullerton instructor was suspended for allegedly striking a student from the College Republican­s, who were staging a counterpro­test of students rallying against President Donald Trump’s policies. And then there was the violent protest that forced the cancellati­on of controvers­ial conservati­ve speaker Milo Yiannopoul­os’ planned event at UC Berkeley a few weeks ago.

But there is a bit of a silver lining as well. Just about a week prior to the UC Berkeley riot, a rowdy crowd forced the cancellati­on of another Yiannopoul­os talk at UC Davis. In response, interim Chancellor Ralph Hextor announced that he is forming a work group of students, faculty and staff to recommend policies to ensure that even the most polemical speakers can have their voices heard on campus.

“When we prevent words from being delivered or heard, we are trampling on the First Amendment,” Hextor stated recently. “Even when a speaker’s message is deeply offensive to certain groups, the right to convey the message and the right to hear it are protected.”

Quite so. Moreover, there is no place for speech codes and free speech zones on college campuses — or anywhere else. After all, as FIRE senior program officer Adam Steinbaugh wrote in a recent Washington Examiner column, “How will students be able to defend their rights in the legislatur­e or the courts if debating them in the classroom is to be discourage­d?”

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