The Columbus Dispatch

Leaders aloof about health insurance

- DARREL ROWLAND @darreldrow­land

As reporters questioned House Speaker Cliff Rosenberge­r and Senate President Larry Obhof after Tuesday’s State of the State speech in Sandusky, two things became clear:

1. They still hate Obamacare.

2. They haven’t a clue what they will do if the federal government takes away the Obamacare provision that Ohio used to implement a Medicaid expansion, which would blow a $3 billion hole in the two-year state budget that takes effect in July.

“Last time I checked, Congress doesn’t even have a bill before them,” said Rosenberge­r, R-Clarksvill­e. “To your question of losing the dollars, that’s not what we’re looking at happening right now in the state of Ohio.”

While that’s true as far as it goes — federal lawmakers left Washington for their spring break without a compromise on replacing Obamacare — several reports say that quickly removing the Medicaid expansion is one of the selling points being made to congressio­nal conservati­ves.

With revenue estimates already falling short by more than $600 million and growing, Ohio legislator­s and Gov. John Kasich would be extremely hard-pressed to come up with the necessary cash — and would be faced with deciding whether to continue the same type of coverage for all 700,000 covered by the Medicaid expansion. “At this point, we have not yet applied, given the uncertaint­y surroundin­g (Obamacare).”

But wasn’t that required by lawmakers?

“There was no deadline,” Brock replied.

Obhof reportedly is not happy about the dodge.

Watch for him to bring it up during confirmati­on proceeding­s with the new state insurance director appointed by Kasich to replace Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor as head of the agency.

Senators’ remarks seem contradict­ory

When it comes to consistenc­y and the confirmati­on of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch last week, a number of members of the U.S. Senate tripped over speeches they delivered in the past, Washington Bureau Chief Jack Torry points out.

Take Sen. Rob Portman. In a speech Thursday night, the Ohio Republican complained that Senate Democrats were trying to block a floor vote on Gorsuch with a filibuster: “I regret that some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle refuse to provide him that up-or-down vote without going through the process we have had to go through today.”

The year before, however, Senate Republican­s, including Portman, refused to hold a hearing or floor vote for federal appeals Judge Merrick Garland, who was nominated by President Barack Obama to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Portman said at the time,“This is a lifetime appointmen­t that could reshape the Supreme Court for generation­s, and I believe the best thing for the country is to trust the American people to weigh in.” He joined Republican­s who said the winner of the presidenti­al election should tap the new justice.

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