The Columbus Dispatch

Trump put Assad regime on notice

- — Chicago Tribune

The video from a chemical attack had horrified viewers worldwide, but the war in Syria has reliably delivered many other atrocities for six years.

This reign or even rain of death, though, was enough to provoke a new U.S. president. No drawing red lines, no waiting until they’re crossed to painstakin­gly decide whether to fulfill a threat. With dozens of Tomahawk missiles, Donald Trump has disrupted the world’s long, inconclusi­ve debate over what, if anything, to do about Bashar al-Assad.

This attack won’t dislodge Assad or help the all-butdefeate­d rebel forces take control of the fractured country. But if it diminishes his air power, it also could reduce his ability to poison, crush and dismember his own people. To an important extent, though, this attack is about more than Assad and questions of how to deal with a vicious despot. It’s about President Donald Trump. On a geopolitic­al plane, it tells Vladimir Putin that he isn’t the only president who’ll take risks in Syria.

The world’s rulers and diplomats aren’t accustomed to that sort of unilateral gambit from Washington. If Trump wanted to assert that he isn’t his predecesso­r, firing Tomahawks at a Russian ally’s air assets will make the distinctio­n. Whatever the back-channel advance alerts to world capitals, Trump didn’t publicly signal to his adversarie­s that he would take military action on such-and-such schedule. Thursday was rife with rumors of an impending attack. But Assad likely was as surprised as the rest of us by the first missile’s impact.

On Wednesday, Trump had reacted angrily to the gassing of Syrians, including children and babies. He acknowledg­ed that Assad crossed “many, many lines” and suggested that there would be repercussi­ons. His administra­tion carried forward that threat on Thursday. If Trump had done nothing but fume, the president at some point would have looked wobbly. Powerless.

In this case, of course, there is unfortunat­e history. In 2012, President Barack Obama declared his red line in the sand to Assad, but he didn’t follow through when Assad’s regime killed some 1,400 people in a chemical weapons assault on Damascus. That brought U.S. credibilit­y into question. Trump likely made the calculatio­n that if the Syrian government launched another despicable chemical attack on its own people, he was going to make an issue of it.

But what happens next? Will Assad take the hint and stop the use of chemical weapons banned throughout the world? Or will he, backed by Putin, again deploy his air force to bomb civilians? The conflict escalates from here or — not.

Pentagon planners famously war-game such scenarios. But the wily Assad is still in power six years after Obama famously said he “must go.” He’s withstood years of conflict and slipped the grasp of U.N. inspectors tasked with making sure he disposed of all of his chemical weapons. By continuing to use them, he’s mocked those who believed he had surrendere­d them.

No one, not Americans or any allies, knew how an untested commander in chief with a history of shooting from the lip would react to his first internatio­nal crisis.

Now adversarie­s and allies will have to recalculat­e.

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