The Columbus Dispatch

China seeks calm over Korea

- By Anna Fifield

TOKYO — China issued a stern warning Friday to both the United States and North Korea, urging them not to push their recriminat­ions to a point of no return and allow war to break out on the Korean Peninsula.

In comments carried by China’s official Xinhua news agency, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said “storm clouds” were gathering, an apparent reference to North Korean preparatio­ns to conduct a new nuclear test and the United States’ deployment of a naval strike force to the waters off the peninsula. In addition, the U.S. military has been conducting largescale military exercises with South Korean forces, drills that the North considers provocativ­e.

“The United States and South Korea and North Korea are engaging in tit for tat, with swords drawn and bows bent,” Wang said after a meeting with visiting French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, Xinhua reported. “We urge all sides to no longer engage in mutual provocatio­n and threats, whether through words or deeds.”

He also called on them not to push matters to a point from which they “cannot be turned around.”

If they allow war to break out on the peninsula, they must bear the historical responsibi­lity and “pay the correspond­ing price,” Wang warned.

Earlier Friday, North Korea accused President Donald Trump of “making trouble” with his “aggressive” tweets, amid concerns that tensions between the two countries could escalate into military action.

And the North Korean army threatened to annihilate U.S. military bases in South Korea and the presidenti­al palace in Seoul in response to what it called Trump’s “maniacal military provocatio­ns.”

Tensions have been steadily mounting in recent weeks, as North Korea prepares for what it is calling a “big” event to mark the anniversar­y of the founder’s birthday today, while the Trump administra­tion warns that all options are on the table.

Expectatio­ns for a nuclear test or missile launch in the lead-up to today’s celebratio­ns in Pyongyang have not come to pass. Instead, there are signs that the regime is getting ready to hold a huge parade this weekend, perhaps showing off new missiles — something that would qualify as the “big” event it had heralded.

The United States has sent an aircraft carrier strike group to the Korean Peninsula region, and Trump has repeatedly tweeted that if China will not use its leverage to rein in North Korea, the United States will act.

Vice President Mike Pence arrives in Seoul on Sunday on the first leg of an Asia tour, and he will doubtless underscore Washington’s strong alliances with South Korea and Japan and their determinat­ion to stop North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

But North Korea’s vice foreign minister said Trump was “becoming more vicious and more aggressive” than previous presidents, which was only making matters worse.

“Trump is always making provocatio­ns with his aggressive words,” Han Song Ryol told The Associated Press in an interview in Pyongyang. “So that’s why. It’s not the DPRK but the U.S. and Trump that makes trouble,” he said, using the abbreviati­on for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, as North Korea is officially known.

Han also repeated the regime’s common refrain that North Korea is ready to act to defend itself.

“We’ve got a powerful nuclear deterrent already in our hands, and we certainly will not keep our arms crossed in the face of a U.S. pre-emptive strike,” Han told the AP.

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