The Columbus Dispatch

Battle for Berkeley: Will Ann Coulter spark another clash?

- By Jocelyn Gecker

BERKELEY, Calif. — The word “CANCELED” is printed across a poster of Ann Coulter’s face at the University of California, Berkeley. But that appears to be wishful thinking.

The campus is bracing for trouble next week, when the conservati­ve provocateu­r has vowed to speak in defiance of the university’s wishes. Officials, police and even the campus Republican­s who invited Coulter say there is reason to fear violence in what is being called the Battle for Berkeley.

Berkeley’s reputation as one of the country’s most liberal universiti­es, in one of America’s most liberal cities, has made it a flashpoint for the nation’s political divisions in the era of Donald Trump.

The campus and the city itself have become a target for militant right-wing organizati­ons that have clashed in recent months with militant left-wing or anarchist groups from the San Francisco Bay Area.

Both favor hoods to conceal their identities and a variety of weapons, including Molotov cocktails, brass knuckles and soda cans filled with concrete.

UC Berkeley has been synonymous with protest from the earliest days of the 1960s Free Speech Movement. But officials say what they’re seeing now does not involve students and is a new type of extremely violent protest.

“There is no doubt that over the last few months the city and campus have become a stage upon which national political conflicts are playing out,” said university spokesman Dan Mogulof.

Last weekend, bloody street brawls broke out in downtown Berkeley at a pro-Trump protest that featured speeches by members of the white nationalis­t right. They clashed with a group of Trump critics who called themselves anti-fascists.

Police arrested 20 people and said dozens were injured. They confiscate­d bats, knives, bear spray, pepper spray and other weapons, according to police.

Similar violent clashes also erupted at the same site, a public park, on March 4.

And in February, protesters smashed campus windows, set fires and hurled firebombs at police, forcing the cancellati­on of a speech by right-wing writer Milo Yiannopoul­os.

Police and the city have been criticized for not doing more to prevent the violence but say that stepping in with riot forces could have led to more bloodshed.

Berkeley police and university officials scrambled this week to cancel or delay Coulter’s speech next Thursday, with Chancellor Nicholas B. Dirks warning that law enforcemen­t authoritie­s have “very specific intelligen­ce” of threats “that could pose a grave danger” to Coulter and others.

Campus Police Chief Capt. Alex Yao said protesters bent on violence are planning to descend on Berkeley from around the state and other parts of the country.

After attempting to call off the event and postpone it until September — which Coulter refused to do — Dirks offered her a new date of May 2.

She rejected that, saying she “can’t do May 2.” Moreover, she tweeted, “THERE ARE NO CLASSES AT BERKELEY THE WEEK OF MAY 2.”

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