The Columbus Dispatch



counter-protesters who they can blame as antagonist­s once violence erupts at their gatherings, rallies and events.

And, as if on cue, some white nationalis­ts, emboldened and proclaimin­g victory after the “Unite the Right” rally in Virginia, said Monday that they are planning more demonstrat­ions to promote their agenda.

The University of Florida said white provocateu­r Richard Spencer is seeking permission to speak there next month. And white nationalis­t Preston Wiginton had said he was planning a “White Lives Matter” rally at Texas A&M University in September, but the university later said it had been canceled.

Also, a neo-Confederat­e group has asked the state of Virginia for permission to rally at a monument to Confederat­e Gen. Robert E. Lee in Richmond on Sept. 16.

“We’re going to be more active than ever before,” Matthew Heimbach, a white-nationalis­t leader, said Monday.

Overlookin­g the violence, Heimbach, who said he was pepper-sprayed during the melee in Charlottes­ville, called the event Saturday

“an absolute stunning victory” for the far right because of the large number of supporters who descended on the city to decry plans to remove a statue of Lee. It has been called the largest gathering of white nationalis­ts, white supremacis­ts and neo-Nazi supporters in decades.

NBC News reported that Heimbach was at the initial court appearance Monday of the Ohio man, 20-yearold James Alex Fields Jr., of Maumee, who is charged with second-degree murder in the death on Saturday of Heather Heyer, 32, who was with a group of counterpro­testers when Fields plowed his car into the crowd.

Heimbach insisted that Fields was “scared for his life.”

“The nationalis­t community defended ourselves against thugs,” Heimbach told NBC. “These radical leftists ... they are the one (sic) who came to kill us.”

Becker acknowledg­ed that the weekend violence could escalate the whitesupre­macy movement. But it also, he said, could empower those who counter hate.

“When these rallies happen in the future, more and more people might come out. There’s a martyr now,” he said of Heyer. “Someone did not stay silent and she paid a price. There is potential here

for more activity on both sides — it is just a matter of waiting to see what that is going to be.”

For it’s part, Ohio has plenty of organizati­ons labeled as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama-based center that tracks such activity. In its most recent count, the law center listed 35 such groups in Ohio, including several factions of the KKK and multiple neo-Nazi and skinhead organizati­ons.

One of those is the Daily Stormer, the world’s mostvisite­d white-supremacis­t website. The law center lists it as headquarte­red in Worthingto­n, because that’s where its founder, Andrew Anglin, is from. The website directs financial contributi­ons to a Worthingto­n post office address.

But Anglin took a blow — albeit a temporary one — after Saturday’s violence. The site had disparaged Heyer in a post and said, among other things, that “most people are glad she is dead ...”

GoDaddy, which had been the internet domain host for the Daily Stormer, said the website’s posts could have incited additional violence and, because of that, the posts violated its company’s service agreement. On Sunday, GoDaddy gave

Anglin 24 hours to move to another domain.

Monday morning, Anglin’s website had a posting that said it had been hacked by the internatio­nal hacking group, Anonymous. That couldn’t be verified. Online commenters elsewhere speculated it was another tactic of Anglin’s, a theory that plays into Becker’s concept of blaming others to appear the victim. Daily Stormer was running on another domain host through Google by Monday evening, but Google had ordered the website to get off.

Becker said the proliferat­ion and popularity of that website is an example of how the internet and its echo chamber can appear to normalize for some people what once were thought to be radical and hate-mongering views. And it has helped change the landscape into what was witnessed over the weekend in Virginia.

“You can have a tribe without having an individual organizati­on. You can identify with an ideology, not a group,” Becker said. That, he said, probably makes the white-supremacy movement stronger.

Online activity is a way for proponents to find solidarity, and that translates to encouragem­ent to not stay hidden but instead attend rallies like the one last weekend, he said.

Becker again emphasized, though, that time will tell whether that brazenness will last.

“People are identifyin­g the people there (at the rally), asking that they be fired,” Becker said. “And there seems to be backlash from traditiona­l allies — militia groups that have spoken out against the violence. Time will tell if that’s just playing to the media or if they mean it.”

At the University of Florida, where Spencer has asked to speak, President W. Kent Fuchs called the events in Virginia “deplorable” but indicated school officials might be unable to block his appearance.

“While this speaker’s views do not align with our values as an institutio­n, we must follow the law, upholding the First Amendment not to discrimina­te based on content and provide access to a public space,” Fuchs said on the university’s Facebook page.

Auburn University spent almost $30,000 in legal fees in an unsuccessf­ul attempt to prevent Spencer from speaking on its campus in Alabama in April.

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