The Columbus Dispatch

Developmen­t makes it harder to take a hike

- NICHOLAS KRISTOF Nicholas Kristof writes for The New York Times. Contact him at

This will make me sound grouchy and misanthrop­ic, but I sometimes wonder if what makes America great isn’t so much its people as its trees and mountains.

In contrast to many advanced countries, we have a vast and spectacula­r publicly owned wilderness, mostly free and available to all. In an age of inequality, the affluent have gated neighborho­ods, private schools, backup generators and greater influence on elected officials. But our most awe-inspiring wild places have remained largely a public good to be shared by all, a bastion of equality.

My family and I have been backpackin­g on the Pacific Crest Trail through the Sierras north of Donner Pass, enjoying magnificen­t splendor that no billionair­e is allowed to fence off. We all have equal access, at no charge: If you can hold your own against mosquitoes and bears, the spot is yours for the night.

This is also a spiritual experience: It’s a chance to share a reverence for the ethereal scenery of America’s wild places. The wilderness is nature’s cathedral, and it’s a thrill to worship here.

The march of civilizati­on has been about distancing ourselves from the raw power of nature. At home, we move the thermostat up or down by a degree, and we absorb the idea that we are lords of the universe. On the trail, we are either sweating or freezing, and it always feels as if the path is mainly uphill. Nature mocks us, usefully reminding us who’s boss.

If your kids are suffering from what writer Richard Louv calls nature-deficit disorder, I recommend that you all run away from home together. Flee to the mountains. It’s heaven with blisters.

There are often charges to enter much-trafficked spots like Yellowston­e or Yosemite, but the wilderness is mostly free to hikers.

This is our collective patrimony, a tribute to the wisdom of Theodore Roosevelt, Gifford Pinchot and other visionarie­s who preserved our wild places for the future.

Thank God for them. Otherwise, these lands might have been carved up and sold off as ranches for the rich.

Because of the foresight of past generation­s, the federal government owns 1 million square miles, an area three times the size of California, Oregon and Washington combined. Much of this is unspoiled, our inheritanc­e and our shared playground.

Yet today, President Donald Trump sees this heritage as an opportunit­y for developmen­t. More aggressive­ly than past administra­tions, Trump is systematic­ally handing over the United States’ public lands for private exploitati­on in ways that will scar the land forever.

The Trump administra­tion lifted a moratorium on new coal mining leases on public land, it is drawing up plans to reduce wilderness protected as national monuments and it is rapidly opening up additional public lands to coal mining and oil and gas drilling.

A second challenge comes from our paralysis in the face of climate change, and the risks this creates to our wilderness. A warmer climate has led to droughts and to the 20-year spread of the mountain pine beetle, and a result is the death of vast swaths of Western forests. Last year, 62 million trees died in California alone, the Forest Service says, and in Oregon and Washington I’ve watched forests turn brown and sickly. In parts of Wyoming and Colorado, the pine beetle has killed almost all the mature lodgepole pine trees, and it’s arguably even worse in British Columbia.

The third risk is from gradual degradatio­n and chronic underfundi­ng. Even before Trump took office, wilderness trails and campground­s were in embarrassi­ng disrepair. How is it that we could afford to construct these trails 80 years ago in the Great Depression but cannot manage even to maintain them today?

When public lands are lost — or mined in ways that scar the landscape — something has been lost forever on our watch. A public good has been privatized, and our descendant­s have been robbed.

To promote an understand­ing of what is being lost, I encourage everyone to run away from home as well. The wilderness nourishes our souls, if we let it.

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