The Columbus Dispatch

It’s too late to plant most cover crops

- ASK A GARDEN EXPERT Mike Hogan, an Ohio State University Extension educator and associate professor, writes this column.

Q: I have finally removed all of the plant debris from my vegetable garden and would like to seed a cover crop for winter. Which should I use, and is it too late?

A: Cover crops provide a host of benefits, including adding nitrogen and organic matter to the soil, protecting the field from wind and water erosion, and preventing weed growth. Unfortunat­ely, it is too late to plant most cover crops, which require a few weeks of warmth before cool weather sets in. Having said that, if warmer-thanusual weather persists into November, and frosts are mild and infrequent, you could gamble with cereal rye, white clover or hairy vetch, the most cold-hardy crops. Next year, think about planting cover crops soon after Labor Day.

Q: Black-and-orange insects recently showed up on maple trees behind my house. They are now congregati­ng on the siding of the house and find their way inside. How can I control them?

A: The insects are likely boxelder bugs, which are seed-feeding insects attracted to many species of trees, including maples. The insects are getting inside your house by accident, as there isn’t anything for them to feed on indoors. The most effective control is to address ripped window screens, shrunken or missing caulk around window and door frames, unscreened vents and worn door sweeps.

Q: Two huge white pine trees in our yard turn yellow and lose many of their needles. Are these large trees slowly dying?

A: Pines and some other evergreens maintain their foliage for two growing seasons. In the fall, it is normal for white pines to shed needles from the previous growing season. These needles are located closer to the trunk of the tree, and when they fall in September and October, green needles from the current growing season remain at the tips of the branches.

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