The Columbus Dispatch

- Naturalist Jim McCormac writes a column for The Dispatch on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. He also writes about nature at www.jimmc

When I was a kid, my parents regularly packaged my brothers and me into the car and up Route 23 we went to Delaware. My grandparen­ts lived there, and from our Worthingto­n home it was a scenic 20-minute ride through the countrysid­e.

Now, the northern reaches of Columbus nearly commingle with Delaware. There are few wild places left along the corridor.

In 2014, Preservati­on Parks of Delaware County acquired a surviving gem halfway between Columbus and Delaware just west of Route 23. On a recent glorious October day, I met Delaware County resident and spider expert Rich Bradley at Shale Hollow Park.

It wasn’t my first visit. I’d ventured there in the early ’80s, when then-landowner Ed Postle hosted a wintering northern saw-whet owl. I made another visit 15 years or so ago, when efforts to acquire the property were starting.

Now, fortunatel­y, the 211-acre park encompasse­s the best of this wild area.

A bit more than

2 miles of trails bisects the richly wooded site, and visitors will soon forget they’re a short car ride from heavy developmen­t. Shale Hollow is well-named. Big Run Creek, a tributary of the Olentangy River, incises deeply through large banks of shale.

Noteworthy are numerous massive concretion­s. These geological oddities resemble stone cannonball­s, and they dot the shale banks and creek bed.

Near-vertical cliffs tower over the sinuous stream, and the steep slopes and ridge tops are carpeted with massive oaks and other timber.

Biodiversi­ty abounds, and it took us 15 minutes to move on from the parking lot, as the trees around the nature center teemed with feathered life.

In our three-hour foray, we tallied nearly 40 species. Especially noteworthy were six species of woodpecker­s, including the crow-sized pileated woodpecker. Several winter wrens worked tangled root masses along the stream. This Lilliput weighs just 9 grams and measures 4 inches.

Tiny golden-crowned kinglets flitted high in some spruce. Yellowrump­ed warblers worked the berries of various vines, and a yellow-bellied sapsucker tapped its Morse-code beat. A large flock of migratory American robins alternatel­y bathed in the stream and serenaded us with autumnal whisper songs.

Bradley found interestin­g spiders under nearly every rock and log, and uncovered a red-backed salamander. Architectu­rally ornate coral fungi adorned a mossy stump, and we noticed a young buck white-tailed deer watching us from high atop a bluff.

I became enamored of the jaw-dropping scenery and scrambled about, seeking the perfect vantage point. There were many, it turned out, and I returned with a catalog of photos that few might suspect were taken in so close to the big city.

Delaware County is one of the fastestgro­wing regions in the country. It’s vital that parkland is set aside now, while it still can be. New developmen­t nearly encircles Shale Hollow, and 10 years from now, it probably wouldn’t have been possible to make this acquisitio­n.

I’ve watched Preservati­on Parks of Delaware County since its infancy, and I am impressed. Holdings now include 10 parks totaling 1,066 acres. They encompass some of Delaware County’s best natural areas, but much work remains. Protected lands are less than 1 percent of the county’s 457 square miles.

On Nov. 7, Delaware County voters will be asked to approve a 10-year renewal levy to ensure the continued growth and efficient management of the county’s parks. Approval of the levy would mean a brighter future for county residents, present and future.

 ?? [JIM MCCORMAC/FOR THE DISPATCH] ?? Shale Hollow Park, part of Preservati­on Parks of Delaware County
[JIM MCCORMAC/FOR THE DISPATCH] Shale Hollow Park, part of Preservati­on Parks of Delaware County

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