The Columbus Dispatch

Putin seeks re-election in 2018

- By Vladimir Isachenkov

MOSCOW — Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he would seek re-election next year in a race he is poised to win easily, putting him on track to become the nation’s longest-serving ruler since Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

Putin’s approval ratings regularly top 80 percent, making him all but certain to win the March election by a broad margin. While few doubted the 65-year-old leader would run, the delay in his declaring so fueled some conspiracy theories and was seen as the Kremlin’s political maneuverin­g.

The Russian leader’s potential rivals include several luckless candidates from past contests and a notable newcomer — TV host Ksenia Sobchak, 36, the daughter of Putin’s one-time boss.

The president chose to make his re-election announceme­nt at the GAZ automobile factory in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The factory is a symbol of Russian’s industrial might, and Putin found an enthusiast­ic audience in the blue-collar workers who make up the core of his base.

“I couldn’t find a better place and moment,” he said to massive applause at the plant. “Thank you for your support. I will run for president.”

For months, Putin fended off questions about his plans for 2018, fueling speculatio­n about why he would not say if he would seek re-election. Some theorized he might step down and name a preferred successor.

The Kremlin has been worried about growing voter apathy, and the uncertaint­y over Putin’s plans seemed intended to encourage public interest in the race.

“It was necessary to ensure electoral mobilizati­on,” Dmitry Orlov, a political consultant close to the Kremlin, said in televised remarks.

Putin has been in power in Russia since 2000. He served two presidenti­al terms during 2000-2008, then shifted into the prime minister’s seat because of term limits.

 ?? [MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV, SPUTNIK, KREMLIN POOL PHOTO] ?? Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to the news media Wednesday after meeting with workers of the GAZ automobile factory in Nizny Novgorod, Russia.
[MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV, SPUTNIK, KREMLIN POOL PHOTO] Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to the news media Wednesday after meeting with workers of the GAZ automobile factory in Nizny Novgorod, Russia.

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