The Columbus Dispatch

Talks won't quash regional hatred for Jews, Israel

- CAL THOMAS Cal Thomas writes for Tribune Content Agency.

President Trump’s son-in-law and designated Middle East peace envoy, Jared Kushner, told the Brookings Institutio­n’s Saban Forum last weekend that a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinia­ns is key to solving larger goals, such as stopping Iranian aggression and Islamic extremism.

If he believes that, he has fallen into the trap numerous and more seasoned diplomats have experience­d.

The most obvious impediment to peace in the region is a religious one. A visceral hatred of Jews is promoted in Palestinia­n media and many mosques and schools throughout the region. The destructio­n of Israel and eliminatio­n of Jews from land that has been historical­ly and legitimate­ly theirs for thousands of years is their goal. Radical Islamists believe Allah has ordered it. Why would they risk perdition by violating his command?

Palestinia­n leaders say one thing to the West and another to their own people. In a 2013 interview on Syrian TV, Abbas Zaki, a close associate of Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas, said the Palestinia­n Authority would not enter into any peace agreement with Israel unless it includes Israel’s withdrawal to indefensib­le 1967 borders. Zaki stated: “Even the most extreme among us, Hamas, or the fighting forces, want a state within the ’67 borders. Afterward, we (will) have something to say, because the inspiring idea cannot be achieved all at once. (Rather) in stages.”

In other words, incrementa­l steps toward a shared goal: the eliminatio­n of the Jewish state, which Iranian mullahs have described as a “cancer” in the Middle East.

Does this sound like the language of people who wish to live in a peaceful state adjacent to Israel? A person not deceived by the mirage of a Middle East peace agreement should consider the numerous and unreciproc­ated concession­s Israel has already made to advance the “peace process,” which seems more like a war process from the Arab and Palestinia­n perspectiv­e.

This is all about increasing pressure on Israel to “do more,” as if Israel were the one advocating genocide. Many Palestinia­n and Arab leaders hate Israel (and Jews) not for what they do or don’t do, but because they exist. If Mr. Kushner believes he can be a peace broker without understand­ing and accepting this basic fact, he is bound to end up like all the others who have inserted themselves into the region.

What is the answer, if there is one?

Writing in the Israeli publicatio­n, Al-Monitor, following President Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia in May, columnist Akia Eldar says: “…(an) American president may be able to bring the sides to the table, if he is lucky, but they will only eat what is on it if they are dying of hunger. He would have realized that the hunger for peace only comes after the thirst for blood is quenched.”

Isn’t that what happened when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat decided enough blood had been spilt and made peace with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin?

Perhaps the road to settlement and stability might go through Riyadh. While Saudi Arabia has been a principal exporter of an extremist view of Islam through its media, funding mosques in Western countries and textbooks for schoolchil­dren that promote anti-Semitism, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said he wants a return to a more “moderate Islam” that allows for peaceful co-existence with other religions and the world.

Will other Islamic countries who also hate Jews and Israel accept this move toward peaceful co-existence when, and if, it comes?

Does Jared Kushner fully understand what he has gotten himself into?

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