The Columbus Dispatch

Orbeye 3-D system turns surgery into dizzying, immersive experience

- By Denise Grady

NEW YORK — One blue surgical drape at a time, the patient disappeare­d, until all that showed was a triangle of her shaved scalp.

“Ten seconds of quiet in the room, please,” said Dr. David J. Langer, chairman of neurosurge­ry at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, part of Northwell Health. Silence fell, until he said, “OK, I’ll take the scissors.”

His patient, Anita Roy, 66, had impaired blood flow to the left side of her brain, and Langer was about to perform bypass surgery on slender, delicate arteries to restore the circulatio­n and prevent a stroke.

The operating room was dark, and everyone was wearing 3-D glasses. Lenox Hill is the first hospital in the United States to buy a device known as a videomicro­scope, which turns neurosurge­ry into an immersive and sometimes dizzying expedition into the human brain.

Enlarged on a 55-inch monitor, the stubble on Roy’s shaved scalp spiked up like rebar. The scissors and scalpel seemed as big as hockey sticks, and popped out of the screen so vividly that observers felt an urge to duck.

‘‘This is like landing on the moon,’’ said a neurosurge­on who was visiting to watch and learn.

The equipment produces magnified, high-resolution, three-dimensiona­l digital images of surgical sites, and lets everyone in the room see exactly what the surgeon is seeing. The videomicro­scope has a unique ability to capture “the brilliance and the beauty of the neurosurgi­cal anatomy,” Langer said.

He and other surgeons who have tested it predict it will change the way many brain and spine operations are performed and taught. “The first time

I used it, I told students that this gives them an understand­ing of why I went into neurosurge­ry in the first place,” Langer said.

But there is more to it than just the gee-whiz, Imax factor. The shared viewing makes 3-D surgery an ideal teaching tool. In addition, Langer and other doctors say the device is smaller and much less cumbersome than standard surgical microscope­s and provides better light.

It can easily be moved and angled to show bits of anatomy that surgeons would otherwise have to twist and crane their necks to see. Two surgeons on opposite sides of the table can work together easily.

Standard surgical microscope­s are enormous and require a complicate­d draping process to ensure sterility. Not so with the new videomicro­scope, which is covered with just a sleeve that Langer said can be slipped on like a condom.

Neurosurge­ry can take many hours, which surgeons operating with magnifying loupes or microscope­s often spend looking down, their necks bent. As the clock ticks, discomfort becomes pain, and over the years chronic injury to the neck and back can be a careerende­r for some surgeons. The new device lets them operate Patient Anita Roy undergoes brain surgery by a team using a 3D device that allows them to see in a magnified, high-resolution way. Roy, of the Bronx, had a rare condition that could cause a stroke. while looking straight ahead at the 3-D screen, using the image to guide their hands.

“I don’t think there’s any doubt that it’s going to be valuable,” Langer said, but added, “In the eyes of someone who’s more conservati­ve and who’s not as willing to try new things, they may not get over the hump and be willing to do it.”

The device at Lenox Hill is called the Orbeye, made by Somed — a joint venture of Olympus and Sony — and marketed by Olympus. Langer has received consulting fees from the company.

A number of other medical centers in the United States have been testing the Orbeye. Dr. Charles L. Branch, chief of neurosurge­ry at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, said his first patient with it was a red bell pepper.

“I cut a hole and plucked seeds out of the center,” he said. “I wanted to make sure you could see down a tubular opening. It worked really well.”

He quickly moved on to humans, and has used the equipment in about 20 spine surgeries, all minimally invasive and performed through a tube.

There are 10 neurosurge­ons in his department, Branch said. “Everyone that’s used it has seen some potential benefit, but not everyone has decided they want to use it in every case.”

Mark Miller, a spokesman for Olympus, said the

Orbeye’s pricing is similar to that of standard surgical microscope­s, which range from $200,000 to $1 million. The system that Lenox Hill bought cost about $400,000, Langer said. Other companies are trying to enter the market.

Dr. Bob S. Carter, chief of neurosurge­ry at the Massachuse­tts General Hospital, said using the Orbeye was like having “Superman eyes,” but added that his hospital is evaluating other devices and has not yet decided which to buy.

Roy, a retired administra­tive assistant who lives in the Bronx, first noticed symptoms in 2015: episodes of weakness in her right hand, and trouble speaking. Tests at a local hospital ruled out a stroke. But the occasional episodes continued, and in July 2017, while recovering from heart surgery at Lenox Hill, she had a seizure.

A battery of tests found she had moyamoya disease, a rare condition that, on a patient’s X- rays, shows a cloud of fragile blood vessels that sprout in the brain where normal vessels are blocked. The condition can progress and lead to multiple strokes, mental decline and, in adults, death from brain hemorrhage.

Roy had no doubts: Hoping to avoid a major stroke that could cripple or kill her, she wanted brain surgery.

Her operation, on Dec. 15, was the first bypass Langer performed with the Orbeye, though he and his colleagues had used it for other operations. This type of bypass is one of the most difficult neurosurgi­cal operations, and requires stitching together arteries that are only a millimeter or so in diameter. Colleagues say Langer is one of the few surgeons in the world with the skill and experience to perform it well.

By 4 p.m., six hours after the surgery began, Roy, the drapes removed from her face, was blinking in the glare of the operating room, and moving her arms and legs. An anesthesio­logist told her the surgery was finished and had gone well. Roy managed a sleepy smile.

Three days later, in a robe and bright red socks, she was sitting up in bed, chatting with her husband over lunch. It was hard to believe she’d so recently had brain surgery.

“I just feel good,” she said. Without surgery, for patients like Roy, estimates for the risk of a stroke range from 20 percent to 50 percent or even higher within five years, Langer said. After successful surgery, the risk drops to a few percent a year or less.

Roy, to be released that day, was more than ready to leave the hospital. “I need some air,” she said. She was looking forward to the walk across town with her husband to catch an express bus home to the Bronx.

“I am lucky,” she said.

 ??  ?? Surgeons say that shared viewing makes 3-D surgery an ideal teaching tool. Doctors also say the device is much smaller and less cumbersome than standard surgical microscope­s and provides better light. Two surgeons on opposite sides of the table can work together easily.
Surgeons say that shared viewing makes 3-D surgery an ideal teaching tool. Doctors also say the device is much smaller and less cumbersome than standard surgical microscope­s and provides better light. Two surgeons on opposite sides of the table can work together easily.
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