The Columbus Dispatch

Butterflie­s, moths arrived before flowering plants

- STEVE RISSING Steve Rissing is a biology professor at Ohio State University. steverissi­ng@hotmail. com

At the start of my species diversity course, I tell students pursuing my university’s Evolution and Ecology degree that we aim to understand how evolution has generated the diversity of life we observe today.

Survival of the fittest; Darwinian processes? Right. Velocirapt­or dinosaurs, which lived 75 million years ago, shred prey with their teeth and claws. Feathers allowed them to fly.

But it’s not that simple. Therein lies a common misconcept­ion about evolution.

Feathers likely first appeared in a group of dinosaur species. Those feathers, modified scales, kept the dinosaurs warm. Flight, made possible by the feathers, came later and before the first birds appeared.

The late evolutiona­ry biologist Stephen Jay Gould termed such traits exaptation­s: They appeared in response to one selective pressure (staying warm) and then changed in response to another (flight).

This month, Timo van Eldijk and colleagues described a similar situation in the evolution of butterflie­s and moths. Their work appeared in the journal Science Advances.

Schoolchil­dren and other gardeners enjoy planting and observing butterfly gardens. Colorful butterflie­s flutter around and land on equally bright and colorful flowers. The butterflie­s sip nectar from flowers. They also transfer pollen among flowers.

What’s not to like about this textbook example of nature in harmony?

But how did butterflie­s and flowering plants get to this point?

Fossil records have suggested that nectarsipp­ing butterflie­s appeared soon after the first, simple, flowering plants appeared. Flowers became much larger and more colorful once butterflie­s and other pollinatin­g insects such as bees appeared.

The data of van Eldijk and his colleagues suggest an alternativ­e interpreta­tion.

Painstakin­gly examining organic debris from a thousand-footdeep core of German soil, van Eldijk and his colleagues discovered 200-million-year-old fossilized butterfly wing scales.

Butterflie­s and moths comprise the insect order Lepidopter­a, literally the “scaled wing” insects.

Butterfly scales — then and now — consist of chitin, the same stuff of insect exoskeleto­ns or “shells.” Chitin fossilizes readily.

The researcher­s matched their fossilized wing scales to a group of existing butterflie­s and moths that all have specialize­d mouth parts used today to sip nectar from flowering plants.

They dated their fossilized butterfly scales to 200 million years ago, 70 million years before flowering plants appear in the fossil record.

That suggests that the sipping mouth parts of butterflie­s and moths first appeared in response to periods of drought common during the era they arose, when sipping water droplets efficientl­y provided a selective advantage.

The first flowering plants likely produced sugary — and therefore sticky — nectar to trap windborne pollen grains. Butterflie­s and moths with specialize­d water-sipping mouth parts could shift rapidly to this new resource.

Monarch butterflie­s, one of the most recognized and charismati­c native North American species, are just one of the many species descended from these first butterflie­s with specialize­d, liquidsipp­ing mouth parts.

Yet, pesticides, land-use changes and human-caused climate change threaten the Eastern and Western population­s of monarchs.

I find it sad to think that just as we come to understand better the evolutiona­ry pathways that generated the diversity of life we observe around us, we also are threatenin­g that same diversity.

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