The Columbus Dispatch

‘An encourager’


Sharecropp­ing is an arrangemen­t in which property owners allow tenants to farm a piece of land in exchange for a share of the crop. In many cases, as with the Giles family, the tenants worked extraordin­arily hard for very little, and if the crops failed in a particular year, they got even less. Sharecropp­ing was widespread in the South during Reconstruc­tion, after the Civil War. It was a way for landowners to still command labor, often by AfricanAme­ricans, to keep their farms profitable. It faded in most places by the 1940s. But not everywhere. When the 10 Giles kids were young, they picked an enormous amount of cotton — the equivalent of about 20,000 pounds of cotton a year. For that, the family earned a total of about $100 to $300 annually plus minimal food, they said. They ate what Ngongang called a “slave diet” — molasses or gravy, fatback and a type of corn bread. Butter and milk were considered delicacies.

When Ngongang was a girl, she loved attending school, but was frustrated that she and her siblings had to miss months at a time because her father, an incessant worker, required them to hoe, chop or pick cotton.

“We did all of the work, and the landowner kept the books and settled up with us using his math,” Ngongang said. “We were just human capital.”

When they were able to go to school, the Giles children walked 3 miles to a segregated, two-room schoolhous­e while nearby white children took buses to and from school. Some white children would throw sand out of the bus at the Giles children to humiliate them. But having a strong mother kept them focused on what was important.

Her father, a sharecropp­er since he was 5 years old, was illiterate. So was her mother. But her mother was determined none of her children would be.

“Our mother was an encourager; she encouraged us to learn or ‘get something in our heads that no one could take from us,’ “Ngongang said.

It worked. The children, eight girls and two boys, studied extra hard to keep up with what was taught when they missed school.

“I felt I wasn’t going to be there picking cotton my whole life,” Ngongang said. “I thought, ‘No, I can’t do this. Not with the pain of living the way we lived.’ “

A teacher’s life

After high school, Ngongang dedicated herself to earning her degrees and pulling herself out of poverty.

She graduated second in her class at Sims High School in 1965, and then attended a satellite campus of the University of South Carolina. She lived at home, and a professor helped her get a scholarshi­p for the tuition. She eventually transferre­d to what was then called Mars Hill College, a university near Asheville, North Carolina. She worked in the cafeteria to pay for books and also earned money picking peaches, cleaning houses and babysittin­g in the summers. She was one of the first black students on campus, and she was forced to sleep in the infirmary at first because the school refused to match her with a white roommate.

In the cafeteria, she ate her meals alone for months, until slowly the white students would start to sit near her.

She was as smart as she was dedicated, and ended up earning the highest marks at the college. She graduated from Mars Hill in 1969 with a bachelor’s degree in biology.

“I didn’t realize how isolated we were until I moved away,” she said.

She then went on to get her master’s degree in teaching from Indiana University in 1972. After, she settled in North Carolina and got a job at a high school in Charlotte teaching biology, environmen­tal science and anatomy. She also taught Advanced Placement and Internatio­nal Baccalaure­ate biology, and retired in 2010 after a teaching career that spanned more than three decades.

Her brothers and sisters were successful, as well. Of the 10 children, seven graduated from college and three went on to earn master’s degrees. Three were successful in manufactur­ing.

Ngongang met a man from Cameroon and they married in 1980, and later had two children. They divorced after 13 years of marriage, but remained friends. He passed away in 2007.

Daring to dream

In 2015, Ngongang, who was staying busy with family and tutoring children, got a curious call. It was from her old playmate Peggy Wheeler McKinney, who grew up in the white house with the wraparound porch. She said the house was for sale. She wondered whether Ngongang wanted to buy it.

“I was redoing it and I ran into all kinds of financial and physical problems, and I knew I wasn’t able to redo it,” said McKinney, 65, who has memories of playing with the Giles children. “I called them and asked them if they’d be interested in buying it. To me, it was like keeping it in the family.”

Wheeler’s sister, Joan Wheeler Little, said the Wheeler and Giles kids “have always had a good bond. Any time you needed anything, you could ask them.”

The house had been vacant for 10 years and it needed a lot of work. But if Ngongang and her family wanted it, McKinney said she’d sell it to them for a decent price.

It hadn’t occurred to Ngongang before, but all of a sudden it made perfect sense. Several of her siblings and their children were still in the area, and it would be nice to have a home base when they visited South Carolina. It could be a place where they could gather for Christmas.

And her parents, grandparen­ts and greatgrand­parents were all buried nearby.

Not lost on her was how remarkable it was that they could actually do it. Looking back on where she’d come from, it was an achievemen­t she’d never even dare to dream of when she was a child.

“I never visualized owning that house,” Ngongang said. “Nobody in the family, they never visualized sitting on the porch and rocking.”

Ngongang called her sister and brother, who she thought might be interested. They were. They bought the house in April 2015 for $45,000 and started fixing it up. They had to essentiall­y gut the house and remake the interior.

They had fixed it up enough to host a gathering at the end of 2017, on Christmas, with 30 members of the family, many of whom looked in wonder at what they did to the place. It still needs work, including some fixes on the roof, but it’s close to being where they want it.

“They restored it and made it look like it used to; they’ve done a wonderful job on it,” said Wheeler Little, whose great uncle built the house. “I would have rather seen them have it than anybody.”

Ngongang’s son, Decker Ngongang, 36, said he has watched the home take shape and is in awe of the project his mother and aunts and uncles have undertaken.

“They are on the land where they used to pick cotton,” Decker said. “I recognize the significan­ce of that; they recognize the significan­ce of that.”

Ngongang said she realizes it might seem strange that she and her family would want to return to the place where they suffered so much.

“Do we have bad memories? Of course we have bad memories,” she said. “You can’t get a rose without thorns.”

But her voice broke with emotion as she talked about her brother’s joy at returning to the property where the family so carefully and diligently tended to the fields. She said buying the house has been “therapeuti­c” for the whole family.

“My brother looked across the fields and said, ‘I have to contain myself, I have to smile to keep from crying,’” she said.

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