The Columbus Dispatch

Delta clamps down on phony support pets

- — Chicago Tribune

Dogs, cats, turkeys, pigs, rabbits, hamsters, marmots, even iguanas? No, you haven’t wandered into a zoo or a pet shop. This is an airline cabin, and those aren’t pets; they’re emotionals­upport animals. If you have the bad luck to be seated next to someone with one, well, be grateful that snakes and ferrets aren’t allowed.

Anyone who ventures into a U.S. airport these days likely will see a passenger carrying a small furry creature wearing a special vest or tag identifyin­g its distinctiv­e function. Some of these are actual service animals, defined by the ADA National Network as “individual­ly trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatri­c, intellectu­al or other mental disability.”

Many, though, fall into a looser category of animals that are supposedly helpful to travelers who don’t have blindness or PTSD but may feel less anxious with a nonhuman companion. The federal Air Carrier Access Act has been interprete­d to require airlines to accommodat­e passengers who need — or claim to need — an animal for emotional support. The main thing it takes to qualify on most airlines is a letter from a physician or therapist.

This policy has spawned a host of websites offering quick, easy certificat­ion. One offers 24-hour service, including a five-minute questionna­ire and chat with a licensed therapist. Says the site, “Getting an ESA Qualificat­ion Has Never Been Easier.”

Another highlights one big attraction: “Pets fly in cabin free.” Oh, we forgot to mention: If you want to take your pet cat aboard, you can expect to pay $125, but if you want to take your emotionals­upport animal, you can expect to pay nothing.

The dual policy is an invitation to people willing to scam the system without regard for their cabin mates. One example located by ABC News is a young woman who said she wanted to take her dog Kali with her when she flew, so “she lied about having an emotional illness so that Kali could become an emotional-support animal.”

What’s wrong with such fibbing? One problem is that it rewards dishonest fliers and penalizes honest ones. Another is that it exposes passengers to pets that — unlike actual service animals — may not be trained for such conditions. Delta Air Lines says it has experience­d an 84 percent increase in “animal incidents,” including urination, defecation and biting, since 2016.

With 700 service and support animals transporte­d each day, the airline acted to discourage illegitima­te use of the emotional-support option because of a lack of regulation and “serious safety risks involving untrained animals in flight.”

As of March 1, each owner must provide veterinary health and vaccinatio­n records, a letter documentin­g the traveler’s need and a signed “confirmati­on of training form” at least 48 hours before takeoff.

It’s a sensible step, and one other airlines should consider in the interests of the many passengers who don’t evade rules, lie and put others at risk to save money.

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