The Columbus Dispatch

Protection­ism always hurts the public

- JONAH GOLDBERG Jonah Goldberg is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a senior editor of National Review. goldbergco­

The Trump administra­tion is now moving to put some teeth on its promise to punish “unfair” trade from China and other countries. This week it imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese and South Korean manufactur­ers of washing machines and solar panels. The move is ill advised on its own, but you can be sure this is just the beginning of renewed debate over the benefits of free trade, with once-passionate opponents of the government “picking winners and losers” rushing to defend the sagacity of “America first” economics.

Rather than wade into a wonky discussion of how trade deficits aren’t the bogeyman they’re made out to be, I’d like to come at this a different way.

One of the most difficult distinctio­ns for people in general and politician­s in particular to grasp is the difference between being pro-free market and pro-business.

There are many reasons for this confusion. For politician­s, the key reason is that business people are constituen­ts and donors, while the free market is an abstractio­n. It is a rare corporate titan who favors a free market if doing so is bad for his or her bottom line.

Adam Smith recognized this in his canonical 1776 work, “The Wealth of Nations.” “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion,” he wrote, without the conversati­on ending “in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivanc­e to raise prices.”

This doesn’t mean that capitalist­s are evil; it means they’re human beings. Virtually every profession has a tendency to dig a moat around itself to defend against competitio­n. A few years ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics came out against affordable health care for children.

Retail chains like Walmart and CVS started opening in-store clinics to provide affordable basic health care like vaccinatio­ns. The pediatrici­ans rightly saw this as a threat to their monopoly over kids’ medical care. Obviously, the pediatrici­ans didn’t think they were villains; they simply found rationaliz­ations for why everyone should keep paying them top dollar for stuff that could be done more cheaply.

Similarly, most teachers like kids, but that doesn’t stop teachers unions from doing everything they can to protect themselves from competitio­n or accountabi­lity. Indeed, unions, by design, are conspiraci­es against the public to defend the wages and perks of their members.

As I argue in my forthcomin­g book, “The Suicide of the West,” this tendency to form coalitions, aristocrac­ies or guilds to protect common interests is simply an evolved fact of human nature, existing in every society through all of history. The founding fathers understood this — they called it the threat of “faction” — which is why the Constituti­on was designed to prevent any one group of interests or institutio­ns from being able to attain concentrat­ed power.

Smith understood this, too. After noting how people of the same trade conspire to raise prices, he added: “It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be consistent with liberty and justice. But though the law cannot hinder people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them necessary.”

Smith and the founders understood that such conspiraci­es can last only with the help of government.

Sometimes the government protects certain industries in order to goose employment or to keep prices low for the people or prices high for the producers (i.e. farmers, favored industries, etc.). But such subsidies not only stifle innovation, they also end up hurting consumers or taxpayers or both.

If the government promises cheap, below-cost bread for all, the bakeries will go bust unless they are subsidized. Those subsidies would come from taxpayers, so we’d be paying the real price anyway. If the government taxes cheap washing machines from abroad, the price of washing machines will go up, hurting consumers (which is exactly what happened after the White House announceme­nt).

Every form of statism — from absolute monarchy to socialism to fascism — involves the state forming an alliance with some faction or another and giving it preferenti­al treatment. Protection­ism is simply statism applied to trade. In short, it is a conspiracy against the public to raise prices, and nothing more.

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