The Columbus Dispatch

We’re easy targets for Russian mind games

- KATHLEEN PARKER Kathleen Parker is a columnist for The Washington Post. kathleenpa­rker@

If you want to know whether Democrats will take back the House and/or Senate in November, just ask Russia.

Or rather, ask the Russian trolls who have triumphed in disseminat­ing real “fake news” to influence U.S. elections. They credibly did so in 2016 by creating a more-favorable electoral environmen­t for Donald Trump. And, reportedly, they’re determined to make trouble again in the 2018 midterms.

In the meantime, Russian “bots” — applicatio­ns that perform an automated task — were helping Trump once again, by creating momentum for the Feb. 2 release of the so-called “Nunes memo,” the four-page brief from the House Intelligen­ce Committee chairman alleging surveillan­ce abuses by FBI investigat­ors.

To do this, Russian operatives created a #ReleaseThe­Memo campaign on Twitter, which quickly went viral and created a sense of urgency and import to the committee’s findings — at least those by Republican members.

Trump, who has final authority over such things, refused to approve release of a Democratic rebuttal. Apparently, the latter was far more detailed than the Republican version and, according to the administra­tion, could be harmful to national security. Perhaps.

But, also, Trump likely wanted the Nunes memo released for its value in casting doubt on the FBI’s investigat­ion into possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. And, undoubtedl­y, Trump and his Republican supporters want to end the investigat­ion as soon as possible, discrediti­ng the agency in the process. Not that the agency needed much help. With two agents exchanging romantic texts and emails that also included expressed contempt for Trump, it would be fairly easy for the predispose­d to conclude that the entire investigat­ion was contaminat­ed.

Thus far, the memo has succeeded only in damaging trust between the FBI and Congress, possibly hindering future sharing of classified material. As Senate Intelligen­ce Committee member Angus King, I-Maine, pointed out Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” the Senate and House panels are the only watchdogs of U.S. intelligen­ce agencies. If the FBI or the CIA refuse to share, “then nobody’s watching.”

The extent to which Russia’s cyberantic­s have manipulate­d American thought is of no small concern or consequenc­e. But when nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults get at least some of their news from social media, the potential reach of bad actors is incalculab­le. Facebook and YouTube lead the pack in sheer numbers of users, according to a 2017 Pew Research Center study. Sixty-six percent of U.S. adults use Facebook, with 45 percent getting news on the site.

Relatively few adults use Twitter — just 15 percent — but nearly all who do (74 percent) get their news from the little blue bird. Although its base is far smaller than Facebook, its viral capacity is incalculab­le. One need only think of the global reach of the #MeToo movement, which spread in a matter of virtual nanosecond­s.

No one has better understood this infectious power than Trump. Crazy like a fox, he knows that he can imprint on the minds of his followers far more quickly than he could by traditiona­l means — and without accountabi­lity. While President Obama used Twitter to fundraise and convey campaign informatio­n, Trump uses his account to advance his opinion, taunt his enemies, exact revenge and, strategica­lly, to misinform. Sort of the way Russia does.

No wonder he admires Russia President Vladimir Putin, with whom he spoke by phone on Monday. What do you suppose they talk about? The “Russia investigat­ion?” Hashtags for future mind-melding ops? Midterm elections?

They’re just around the corner. Director of National Intelligen­ce Daniel Coats, testifying Tuesday before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, warned that Russia considers its efforts to disrupt the 2016 election a success and likely sees 2018 as another opportunit­y. While congressio­nal leaders are hoping to pressure social-media groups into becoming more responsibl­e, the burden for fail-safing our democratic election process falls to citizens becoming more discerning as news consumers.

Unfortunat­ely, the minds of social-media users are likely becoming more, not less, malleable. Demographi­cally, the largest increase in news users on social media has been among older, nonwhite, less-educated people, according to Pew. Except for the nonwhite part, this would seem a boon to the GOP, whose constituen­ts, though whiter than the DNC’s, tend to be older and slightly less educated than Democrats.

Trump once exclaimed, “I love the poorly educated!” Doubtless, Russia does, too.

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