The Columbus Dispatch

Dignitarie­s pay their respects to Graham in Rotunda

- From wire reports

WASHINGTON — A simple wooden casket bearing the body of evangelist Billy Graham was borne by a military unit on Wednesday into the U.S. Capitol and onto a black-draped catafalque in the Rotunda, where President Donald Trump led scores of dignitarie­s — senators, members of Congress and diplomats — longtime friends and just regular people in paying their respects.

Graham died at age 99 a week ago.

“He took his message to the poorest places, to the downtrodde­n and to the brokenhear­ted, to inmates in prison, and to the overlooked and the neglected,” Trump said, standing near the casket during a brief ceremony.

“Everywhere he went, Rev. Graham delivered the same beautiful message: God loves you,” the president added. “That was his message: God loves you.”

Trump added a rare personal note, recounting how, decades ago, his father, Fred, implored him and his mother to go to see Graham preach at Yankee Stadium. “Americans came in droves to hear that great young preacher,” Trump said. “Fred Trump was a big fan.”

Billy and Ruth Graham’s five children — Franklin, Gigi, Ruth, Anne and Ned — stood beside the president and first lady Melania Trump.

Congress’ Republican leaders also spoke. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky called Graham “just a happy instrument in the hands of his creator.” House Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin said Graham “woke up every day” to “share his love of God.”

Christian singer Michael W. Smith sang “Just As I Am,” a signature of Graham’s crusades and the title of his autobiogra­phy, to close the service. The Trumps then joined McConnell and Ryan in placing wreaths at each corner of Graham’s casket before the service’s benedictio­n.

Thousands of people streamed through the Rotunda for hours. There will be a departure ceremony for the body at 10:30 a.m. Thursday.

Graham, a confidant to presidents back to Harry Truman, will be buried Friday in North Carolina; Trump is planning to attend that service

 ?? [CHIP SOMODEVILL­A/POOL] ?? President Donald Trump praised Graham’s work in remarks at the viewing.
[CHIP SOMODEVILL­A/POOL] President Donald Trump praised Graham’s work in remarks at the viewing.

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