The Columbus Dispatch

Facts don’t support rants about McCabe firing

- Jay Ambrose is an op-ed columnist for Tribune News Service.

into Hillary Clinton’s emails and family foundation. He then sent a report to the FBI’s Office of Profession­al Responsibi­lity, a group made up of career officials whose job is to maintain FBI integrity, through discipline if necessary.

After studying the evidence, the office said McCabe authorized illicit leaks to a reporter and also, under oath, was not candid with investigat­ors. The office urged Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire McCabe, and Sessions did his duty.

To see if the students were at last catching on, a test could be administer­ed with the following questions.

Was the inspector general — appointed by President Barack Obama — acting on his own or in accordance with Trump tweets? Is he a liar and a fraud? Did the Office of Profession­al Responsibi­lity become irresponsi­ble, failing to study the report or make an honest, informed judgment? Would Sessions have been doing his job if he had ignored the report?

The answers to all of this should be obvious to anyone with a reasonably balanced mind — even though it is also obvious that Trump is an uncouth Twitter fanatic. He has gone after McCabe incessantl­y and happily did it again after the firing, also slamming former FBI Director James Comey. He shouldn’t have, but maybe McCabe should not have then defended himself the way he did.

McCabe argued that there was nothing wrong with his overseeing FBI discussion­s with the press and that Comey, then his boss, knew about it. The thing is, Comey once told interrogat­ors at a congressio­nal hearing that he never authorized anything like that and this could make it look like he was perjuring himself. Comey may already be in trouble because of leaking what could have been classified informatio­n concerning discussion­s with Trump and also the way in which he intervened in the Clinton email scandal.

McCabe, meanwhile, is said to have had a conflict of interest thanks to his wife being a politician who got donations from a Clinton ally. There are now news accounts saying he may have strangely postponed letting Comey know about the FBI looking into Clinton emails found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, the husband of Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin.

We also know that the Clinton campaign paid for a former British spy to get unverified dirt on Trump from Russian contacts and that it was used by the FBI in helping to get legal permission to spy on someone who had been a Trump campaign assistant. At the same time, there has been an unpreceden­ted barrage of leaks of classified informatio­n from intelligen­ce agencies about supposed Trump transgress­ions.

Right now, so very, very much is up in the air, and the last thing Trump should do is interfere in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion of his possibly doing what the Clinton campaign did: collude with the Russians. Whatever Mueller finds or does not find, we need to know about it, and we also need to know a lot more about all of these people, including government actors, who seem bent on destroying our democratic institutio­ns in order to keep Trump from doing it.

That’s what a good teacher would say, and we should all listen.

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