The Columbus Dispatch

Work with Congress on immigratio­n

- The San Diego Union-Tribune

Donald Trump’s resounding victory in the 2016 presidenti­al election came at least in part because the New York businessma­n grasped the disconnect between how millions of Americans and the political establishm­ents of both parties felt about immigratio­n. Instead of supporting comprehens­ive reform, these Americans want new restrictio­ns and strict enforcemen­t of existing laws. This seems like common sense to some, misguided nationalis­m to others and blatant racism to still others.

But whatever camp you’re in, there should be agreement on this: The Trump administra­tion needs to get its act together on immigratio­n. Three federal courts in California this week have shown that instead of the president playing to his base with showy gestures, his goal should be working with Congress to come up with coherent policies.

On Monday, Los Angelesbas­ed U.S. District Judge Dolly M. Gee rejected virtually every argument put forward by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Justice Department that sought to modify a 1997 consent decree that requires children detained on immigratio­n grounds to be transferre­d to licensed care programs within 20 days. Sessions argued that long-term confinemen­t was essential to keeping families from being separated when parents are detained for alleged immigratio­n violations.

The cynicism of this argument is hard to exaggerate. The Trump administra­tion this spring changed its policies on border apprehensi­on to require that children be separated from their parents when families are detained at the border. Now the president and the attorney general pretend they want to prevent these separation­s?

The falsity of this purported compassion was shown Tuesday in San Diego. U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw ordered the federal government to hurry up and meet deadlines he had previously set for reuniting detained children and their parents.

The scattersho­t nature of the administra­tion’s immigratio­n policies was also underlined Monday by Sacramento-based U.S. District Judge John Mendez, who upheld two state laws and part of a third. One allows California to inspect federal detention facilities; another limits how much local and state lawenforce­ment authoritie­s can cooperate with federal immigratio­n officials. Mendez found that refusing to help immigratio­n officials is not the same as impeding them.

Sessions challenged the laws in March, declaring that California was interferin­g with the federal government’s constituti­onally guaranteed authority over immigratio­n. So much for the conservati­ve talking point that states’ rights were routinely violated by the Obama administra­tion’s edicts.

Judges Gee and Mendez both urged the federal government to step up and pass immigratio­n legislatio­n that would answer basic policy questions that have been addressed with executive orders and judicial rulings. Gee rapped “over 20 years of congressio­nal inaction.” Mendez said the Constituti­on “demands” a legislativ­e response.

Perhaps this is unrealisti­c. But even if Congress’ lethargy continues, Trump, Sessions and others in the administra­tion should pursue a more sustainabl­e course on immigratio­n by recognizin­g the limits on what unilateral executive action can achieve. Adopting policies that violate establishe­d precedents and abandon due process may play well with Trump’s base. But if the policies don’t survive repeated legal scrutiny, it’s hard to see why they would be considered constructi­ve — even by his admirers.

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