The Columbus Dispatch

Great economy doesn’t mean great Trumponomi­cs

- Catherine Rampell writes for the Washington Post Writers Group. crampell@

into one quarter of strong growth — or interpret it as evidence that Trump’s tax cut and trade war are good things.

GDP is noisy, bouncing around a lot from quarter to quarter.

In fact, while Republican­s love to point out that no calendar year during Barack Obama’s presidency reached 3 percent, GDP growth actually did meet or exceed that threshold in 12 quarters. Four quarters surpassed 4 percent, and one hit 5.1 percent.

So a single three-month period of strong growth is not exactly unpreceden­ted. It’s also not a sign that the economy is going gangbuster­s or has been fundamenta­lly transforme­d. What matters is whether that strong growth is sustainabl­e.

Right now under Trump’s policies, the answer looks like a big fat no.

There are a lot of idiosyncra­tic factors that juiced growth last quarter. One is that growth was relatively disappoint­ing at the beginning of the year and was due for a rebound. Again, the numbers are noisy.

But another major factor is that businesses freaking out about Trump’s trade war likely pulled forward some of their activity. That is, as Morgan Stanley chief U. S. economist Ellen Zentner puts it, they “doomsday prepped” by stockpilin­g raw materials, intermedia­te goods and finished products before tariffs raised costs on all those things.

Soybean exports surged, for example, as companies raced to beat retaliator­y tariffs that went into effect this month. The jump in soybean exports alone probably added 0.6 percentage points to GDP growth in the second quarter, estimates Ian Shepherdso­n, chief economist at Pantheon Macroecono­mics.

We should expect a reversal later this year, as buyers run down their existing stockpile rather than place new orders.

In other words, perhaps a bit counterint­uitively, the very thing that may make Trump think his trade war is working — unusually strong growth this past quarter — may be evidence it’s about to backfire. At the very least, uncertaint­y about trade barriers is not helpful for businesses trying to make longer-term decisions about how much and where to invest, plant, hire and so on.

What about Trump’s fiscal policies?

Right now, we’re getting a sort of sugar high from Trump’s tax cuts and spending increases. That may have contribute­d to second-quarter GDP growth — particular­ly given the strong consumer-spending numbers — and will likely lift it throughout this year and next.

But the Congressio­nal Budget Office, the Federal Reserve, the Penn Wharton Budget Model and lots of other private forecaster­s expect such effects to be short-lived. They generally project higher growth this year of around 3 percent, with output then falling back to a longer-run pace of 1.8 percent or so within a few years. Whatever positive effects these fiscal policies might have going forward, they’re nonetheles­s too modest to outweigh the other major structural challenges the United States faces, including our aging population.

The federal debt they generate will also weigh on growth in the long run. And, yes, Trump and tea party confederat­es are racking up debt big league.

Trump’s own Office of Management and Budget projects that the deficit will reach nearly $900 billion this year and top $1 trillion next year. That’s not even including other new costs on the table, such as a $12 billion bailout for farmers hurt by Trump’s trade war or $90 billion in additional tax cuts the House passed last week.

One last thing to keep in mind if you saw highfives at the White House on Friday: Where are the raises? Output may have swelled last quarter, but paychecks did not. Adjusted for inflation, average hourly earnings were flat in June compared with a year earlier, according to the Labor Department.

If Trumponomi­cs is indeed working, it’s still not working for workers.

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