The Columbus Dispatch

Newark adds vaping to smoking ban

- By Sheridan Hendrix

Electronic-cigarette users will no longer be able to vape in public spaces in Newark.

More than a decade after Ohio banned smoking in public places, Newark City Council expanded those rules to include e-cigarettes Monday night in a 10-0 decision.

Under existing city laws, smoking is prohibited in enclosed public places and anywhere that tobacco smoke could enter an enclosed space through an entrance, such as a window or door. The new ordinance will expand those rules to e-cigarettes.

The city’s Public Safety Council had unanimousl­y backed the proposal in July.

Councilman Jonathan Lang introduced the measure after receiving a complaint from a business owner in his ward who said people were vaping outside the store and smoke was coming inside, driving customers away.

The business has since closed, and Lang said that was, in part, because of people vaping in front of the store.

“Basically, the intent is to treat vaping the same as we do smoking,” Lang said.

Per the ordinance, e-cigarette use would not be regulated in private residences (unless the residences are used as a licensed childcare or health-care facility), hotel and motel rooms rented to guests and designated as smoking rooms, family-owned and -operated

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