The Columbus Dispatch

Senate debacle showed how civil society is falling apart


ODavid Brooks

ver the past few years, thousands of people (myself included) have mobilized to reduce political polarizati­on, encourage civil dialogue and heal national divisions.

The first test case for our movement was the Supreme Court confirmati­on hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh. It’s clear that at least so far our work is a complete failure. Sixty-nine percent of Americans in one poll called the hearings a “national disgrace,” and the only shocking thing is that 31 percent don’t agree.

What we saw in these hearings was the unvarnishe­d tribalizat­ion of national life. At the heart of the hearings were two dueling narratives, one from Christine Blasey Ford and one from Kavanaugh. These narratives were about what did or did not happen at a party 36 years ago. There was nothing particular­ly ideologica­l about the narratives, nothing that touched on capitalism, immigratio­n or any of the other great disputes of national life.

And yet reactions to the narratives have been determined almost entirely by partisan affiliatio­n. Among the commentato­rs I’ve seen and read, those who support Democrats embrace Blasey’s narrative and dismissed Kavanaugh’s. Those who support Republican­s side with Kavanaugh’s narrative and see holes in Blasey’s. I can think of few exceptions.

Some may have acknowledg­ed uncertaint­y for about 2.5 seconds, but then they took sides. With tribal warfare all around, uncertaint­y is the one state you are not permitted to be in.

This, of course, led to an upsurge in base mobilizati­on. Persuasion is no longer an important part of public conversati­on. Public statements are meant to mobilize your mob. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., can’t just sort through the evidence. He has to get Spartacus-like histrionic in order to whip Democrats toward his presidenti­al candidacy. Kavanaugh can’t just dispassion­ately try to disprove the allegation­s made against him. Instead, he gets furious and stokes up culture-war rage to fire up the Republican base.

This leads to an epidemic of bigotry — creating a stereotype about a disfavored group and then applying that stereotype to an individual you’ve never met. It was bigotry against Jews that got Alfred Dreyfus convicted in 1894. It was bigotry against young black males that got the Central Park Five convicted in 1990. It was bigotry against preppy lacrosse players that led to the bogus Duke lacrosse scandal.

This past month we’ve seen thousands of people convinced that they know how Kavanaugh behaved because they know how “privileged” people behave. We’ve seen thousands of people lining up behind Kavanaugh because they know that there’s this vicious thing called “the left,” which hates them.

The core problem behind all of this is a complete breakdown in the legitimacy of our public institutio­ns. The Supreme Court is no longer a place where justices dispassion­ately rule on the constituti­on. It’s a place where they cast predictabl­e party-line votes. Therefore, senators no longer deliberate on nominees. They cast predictabl­e party-line votes. The members of the public no longer reason with one another. They fall into predictabl­e party-line formation and then invent post-hoc, bad-faith rationaliz­ations to give cover to their ideologica­lly driven positions. (Drank too much! Bad temperamen­t! Bad yearbook entry!)

It’s clear that we need a new sort of environmen­tal movement — to police our civic environmen­t.

It’s also clear we have to set up more forums for personal encounters between different kinds of people. You detoxify disputes when you personaliz­e them. People who don’t have regular contact with people they disagree with become intellectu­ally dishonest quickly.

Finally, the good trends have to be fenced off from poisonous politics. American society is taking concrete action to make sexual assault intolerabl­e. But this movement will not succeed if it becomes a pinball in the partisan politics of personal destructio­n.

The Kavanaugh hearings were a look in the mirror, and a vivid display of how ugly things have become. What are we going to do about it?

David Brooks writes for The New York Times. newsservic­

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