The Columbus Dispatch

Former central Ohioan Rouda elected to Congress

- By Adam Nagourney

A Republican-turnedDemo­crat with roots in central Ohio has unseated U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabache­r, a GOP fixture in California who represente­d Orange County for 15 terms.

The Associated Press called the race Saturday night, with Harley Rouda receiving 52 percent of the vote to Rohrabache­r’s 48 percent.

Rouda, 56, is the son of Harley E. Rouda Sr., who founded HER Realtors in the basement of his Upper Arlington home in 1956. This year, the son became a symbol of the Democratic efforts to win back Congress.

Rohrabache­r, 71, was viewed as particular­ly vulnerable because he defended Russia in the midst of allegation­s about its efforts to intervene in elections in the United States.

In July, Rohrabache­r admitted to meeting during a 2015 trip to Russia with Maria Butina, who was charged by federal prosecutor­s this summer with Rouda conspiracy and acting as a foreign agent. Rohrabache­r was considered so valuable to the Kremlin that the FBI warned him in 2012 that Russia regarded him as an intelligen­ce source worthy of a code name.

His support for President Vladimir Putin of Russia raised questions even among fellow Republican­s.

Rouda capitalize­d on that in his campaign, running ads emphasizin­g Rohrabache­r’s Putin ties and criticizin­g Rohrabache­r for questionin­g the assertion by U.S. intelligen­ce agencies that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Rouda has said he is in favor of Medicare for All, a $15-anhour federal minimum wage tied to inflation, and free tuition at public colleges.

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