The Columbus Dispatch

Trumpist evangelica­ls will be rebuked by true Christians

- Michael Gerson

By all indication­s, the reluctant support by white evangelica­ls for Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton in 2016 has solidified into something like devotion.

In his analysis of the 2018 midterm-election results, political journalist Ron Brownstein found many groups plagued by second thoughts about their support of Trump. But not evangelica­ls, who display a "hardening loyalty" toward Trump's GOP. Evangelica­l support for key Trump policy priorities such as the border wall has jumped. When asked recently if there was anything — anything at all — that Trump could do to forfeit evangelica­l allegiance, Jerry Falwell Jr. replied: "No."

In an era of strange political alliances and events, this one remains notable. Headed into a possible impeachmen­t battle, the most ethically challenged president of modern times — prone to cruelty, bigotry, vanity, adultery and serial deception — is depending on religiousl­y conservati­ve voters for his political survival. And, so far, it is not a bad bet.

Trump has understood something about evangelica­ls that many are unable to articulate themselves. White, theologica­lly conservati­ve Protestant­s were once — not that long ago — a culturally predominan­t force. Many of their conviction­s on matters from sexuality to public religiosit­y were also the default settings of the broader society. But that changed in a series of cultural tidal waves — the Darwinist account of human origins, the applicatio­n of higher criticism to the text of the Bible, the sexual revolution — which swept away old certaintie­s.

When conservati­ve Christiani­ty became repolitici­zed in the 1970s and ’80s, the secular world of federal judges, public schools, major universiti­es and liberal politician­s was viewed as an aggressive threat to Christian ideals, institutio­ns and identity. Over time, that struggle has taken on apocalypti­c proportion­s in the minds of many believers and somehow culminated in fights against the Obama administra­tion.

In this struggle, many evangelica­ls believe they have found a champion in Donald Trump. In their battle with the Philistine­s, evangelica­ls have essentiall­y hired their own Goliath — brutal, pagan, but on their side.

This carries a predictabl­e political cost. The employment of an unethical, racist, anti-immigrant, misogynist Giant is not likely to play well with women, minorities and young people, who are likely to equate conservati­ve religion with prejudice for decades to come.

This is true enough. But it is, fortunatel­y, not the end of the story. At least it has not been the end in similar cases before. During the 19th and 20th centuries (and before) conservati­ve religion was often used to justify slavery and segregatio­n. Pastors and theologian­s blessed white superiorit­y and urged African-american acceptance of the existing social order.

The Christian faith, however, was something more and different than its most visible defenders made it out to be. Even in a distorted form, it contained the seed of a revolution. After his Christian conversion during the Second Great Awakening, Frederick Douglass said, "I love the pure, peaceable and impartial Christiani­ty of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholdi­ng, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritic­al Christiani­ty of this land." Douglass was driven by Christian principle to challenge the Christian practice of his time.

Over the centuries, Christian faith (like other faiths) has been used to justify exploitati­on, oppression, imperialis­m and the persecutio­n of minorities. But as its true precepts have taken root in reformers, Christian faith has also been a powerful source of criticism of those practices. And for a simple reason: Christiani­ty inevitably raises the question: What if everyone we favor, and everyone we fear, and everyone we help, and everyone we exploit, and everyone we love, and everyone we hate, were the reflected image of God — unique, valuable and destined for eternity?

This Christian vision of human rights and dignity has grabbed men and women by the collar in every generation — the William Wilberforc­es and Dorothy Days and Martin Luther Kings. A hypocrisy becomes unsustaina­ble. A seed gets planted. And a greater power emerges — revealing new leaders, and shaming those who reduce Christiani­ty to a sad and sordid game of thrones.

Michael Gerson writes for the Washington Post Writers Group.

Email him at michaelger­son

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