The Columbus Dispatch

Trump, Mccain’s daughter spar via Twitter messages


President Donald Trump is again training his fire on the late Sen. John Mccain, nearly seven months after the Arizona Republican's death from brain cancer.

Trump's tweets over the weekend prompted a rebuke from the senator's daughter Meghan Mccain and from some lawmakers.

On Saturday, Trump quoted former independen­t counsel Ken Starr, who criticized Mccain on a recent Fox News show. In the segment, Starr referred to reports that a Mccain ally had shared with the media parts of a dossier that allegedly included informatio­n linking Trump to the Russian government.

Trump piled on in his Saturday night tweet, criticizin­g Mccain for his vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act in 2017.

Meghan Mccain tweeted in response: "No one will ever love you the way they loved my father."

Sunday morning, Trump was at it again. Returning to the subject of the Steele dossier, Trump incorrectl­y stated that John Mccain, who the president claimed had been "last in his class" at the U.S. Naval Academy, had "sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election."

Meghan Mccain responded to Trump via Twitter. "My father lives rent free in your head," she said in a tweet that later appeared to have been deleted.

Mccain, a member of the Naval Academy's class of 1958, graduated fifth from last in his class. The senator was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And there is no evidence that Mccain gave the dossier to the media.

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