The Columbus Dispatch

‘Golden Girls’ aging gracefully in pop culture

- By Terry Tang

Alexandra Wilkinson was only 2 months old when “The Golden Girls” ended its television run in 1992. But she became a fan last year while taking a course called “Women and Aging: Lessons from ‘The Golden Girls’” at California State University, Long Beach.

Now she streams episodes on Hulu. She owns a “Golden Girls” T-shirt. And when she graduated recently with a master’s degree in gerontolog­y, she decorated her cap with a picture of one of the show’s characters.

“I was amazed at how this TV show from before I was born really related to so many topics I’m learning about right now,” Wilkinson, 27, said.

The class, which finished its second year in May, is the latest example of the surprising pop culture longevity of Dorothy, Blanche, Rose and Sophia.

The Emmy-winning series revolved around four older women living together in Miami. It starred Bea Arthur, Rue Mcclanahan, Estelle Getty and Betty White, who is the only living cast member at age 97. (White, through her agent, declined an interview request.) The show aired on NBC from 1985 to 1992.

Just in the last few years, however, there has been a wave of merchandis­ing, from a trivia game to Chia pets to a limited-edition cereal. Next February, a “Golden Girls”-themed cruise will launch from — where else? — Miami.

Marsha Posner Williams, a coproducer on the series’ first three seasons, said the creators set out to tell stories about an often-overlooked segment of the population.

“This was a way of showing that even though you might be of a certain age, you’re not dead,” Williams said. “You’re full of life, full of laughter, full of sarcasm, and it can be quite joyful.”

Unlike the 1980s fashions worn in the show, the dialogue still holds up, Williams said, resonating with many people, from the gay community to millennial­s.

“All the issues are so real that they talk about, even though it was 35 years ago,” she said.

Maria Claver, a gerontolog­y professor who created the CSU, Long Beach, class with colleague Long Wang in spring 2018, thinks nostalgia is one reason “The Golden Girls” endures. Many fans who watched when it originally aired are now in or facing their golden years. And the episodes have been helpful illustrati­ons for her students.

“I think one of the strengths of using a show like ‘Golden Girls’ is that you can address sometimes uncomforta­ble or difficult topics with humor,” Claver said. “I think that makes students comfortabl­e to talk about things like sexuality among older women.”

The weekly class touched on subjects such as menopause, addiction, sexuality, dementia and caregiving. Claver and Wang would screen a relevant episode and then lead a discussion. There were guest speakers, including Williams.

Wilkinson, the recent grad, said she can laugh along at the show’s comedy even when she has no idea who a guest star such as Burt Reynolds is.

“Of course there are references I don’t quite understand. Like they’ll mention a musician or they’ll mention an actor I've never heard of,” Wilkinson said. “But for some reason, the way they deliver it is hilarious.”

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