The Columbus Dispatch

Over-talkative sister needs to be told, nicely, to clam up

- Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: My sister is driving me and our other sister nuts. We are all seniors who live in the same city and have always been close.

Abby, the oldest talks nonstop. It was always a family joke, but it’s gotten worse. Now she interrupts people to tell her story.

A cousin we hadn’t seen in several years came to town, and we all had dinner. Not once did my sister ask, “How are you doing, your family, etc.?” She just talked about herself and her family.

It’s no longer a joke; she is just plain rude. How do we stop her behavior without hurting her feelings?

— All Listened Out in Iowa

Dear All Listened Out: Point out to her — as kindly as possible — what she has been doing and how it affects people, and tell her it has to stop before people start avoiding or excluding her. The truth may be unpleasant, but she needs to know.

Dear Abby: I have a childhood friend who is seriously depressed. She sees a medical profession­al for drugs, but doesn’t get counseling.

She lives alone and is going through a contentiou­s divorce. She has alienated her friends and family because she can’t converse without crying and blaming others for her problems.

Do you have any advice on how I might help someone who doesn’t seem able to help herself?

— Sympatheti­c in South Carolina

Dear Sympatheti­c: This woman is fortunate to have such a caring friend. Suggest that she inform her doctor that she needs more help than the medication she is receiving, and point out that she can go online and explore support programs for divorced people.

Dear Abby: I’m in my second trimester and grateful to have family and friends who are giving us their old baby clothes and toys. One of my friends, “Jenna,” also is pregnant. She is still in her first trimester and hasn’t told anyone yet.

Our mutual friend “Tisa” just had a baby and is giving me all her baby stuff because she doesn’t know Jenna is pregnant. I would like her to share the items with Jenna, but don’t know if I should share her secret. Should I keep the items and let her know I’ll put some aside for her? — Thinking Ahead

Dear Thinking Ahead: Do not betray Jenna’s confidence. However, do tell her you will be receiving baby clothes from Tisa and offer to share them with her as needed.

Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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