The Columbus Dispatch

Help thwart scammers with these simple tips



Dear Readers: Want to avoid scammers and protect your identity and money? Here are a few suggestion­s from AARP:

• Freeze your credit report. You can always unfreeze your report, but this is how scammers get a lot of informatio­n about you. The credit reporting bureaus are Equifax, Experian and Transunion.

• Invest in a good shredder. Shred all bills and financial documents so scammers can’t fish informatio­n out of your trash.

• Do not give out your Social Security number. Places such as a doctor’s office don’t need your Social Security number, no matter what they say.

• Don’t answer phone calls from numbers you don’t know, and hang up on all robocalls. Don’t give out any informatio­n to such callers. Ever.

• Stop entering sweepstake­s or anything for which there is a drawing. You don’t know who is looking at your informatio­n.

— Heloise

Dear Heloise: With summer heat now here, it’s important to remind people to make sure their pets have plenty of water, and please bring your pets indoors during the hottest part of the day. Above all, never leave a pet in your car on a hot day, even with the windows rolled down. In many states now, it’s illegal to leave a pet in a hot car. It is punishable by a stiff fine. — Shelly N., Clawson, Mich.

Dear Heloise: We went on a trip and were gone for a week. When we got home, we discovered we had a leak from an upstairs toilet that ruined all the wood floors downstairs and caused mold to grow in corners of our walls, which required replacing some of the drywall. Please warn your readers to shut off their water before taking a trip of a week or more. — Joyce M., Fayettevil­le, Tenn.

Dear Heloise: Please consider rethinking your response to thank-you notes for wedding gifts. It’s not the bride’s responsibi­lity to write the thank-you notes; rather, it’s the couple’s. — Pam in Kansas

Pam: You’re absolutely right! Today, roles for people are changing. That said, women still do most of the thank-you notes, but I’d like to see more men get involved and help their new wives. — Heloise

Dear Heloise: If you want to charge your phone quickly, plug it into the wall, not a PC.

Think about investing in a fast charger, but check your phone’s manual or the manufactur­er’s website to see what is required for your make of phone. It’s usually not necessary to turn your phone off while charging, but be sure to check your phone’s manual, just to be certain. — John W., Middletown, Del.

Dear Heloise: I ripen bananas, tomatoes and peaches in a paper bag on the kitchen counter. This traps the natural ethylene gases that many fruits release, and that speeds up the ripening process.

— Carrie W. in Ohio

Heloise answers letters only in her King Features Syndicate column. Write her at P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 782795000 or send a fax to 1-210-HELOISE.

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