The Columbus Dispatch

Pelosi, Trump reach deal on budget

- By Andrew Taylor

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump and congressio­nal leaders announced Monday a critical debt and budget agreement that’s an against-the-odds victory for Washington pragmatist­s seeking to avoid political and economic tumult over the possibilit­y of a government shutdown or first-ever federal default.

The deal, announced by Trump on Twitter and in a statement by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, will restore the government’s ability to borrow to pay its bills past next year’s elections and build upon recent large budget gains for both the Pentagon and domestic agencies.

“I am pleased to announce that a deal has been struck,” Trump tweeted, saying there will be no “poison pills” added to follow-up legislatio­n. “This was a real compromise in order to give another big victory to our Great Military and Vets!”

The agreement is on a broad outline for $1.37 trillion in agency spending next year and slightly more in fiscal 2021. It would mean a win for lawmakers eager to return Washington to a more predictabl­e path amid political turmoil and polarizati­on, defense hawks determined to cement big military increases and Democrats seeking to protect domestic programs.

Nobody notched a big win, but both sides view it as better than a protracted battle this fall.

Pelosi and Schumer said the deal “will enhance our

national security and invest in middle class priorities that advance the health, financial security and well-being of the American people.” Top congressio­nal GOP leaders issued more restrained statements stressing that the deal is a flawed but achievable outcome of a government in which Pelosi wields considerab­le power.

“While this deal is not perfect, compromise is necessary in divided government,” said House Minority Leader Kevin Mccarthy, R-calif.

However, it also comes as budget deficits are rising to $1 trillion levels — requiring the government to borrow a quarter for every dollar the government spends — despite the thriving economy and three rounds of annual Trump budget proposals promising to crack down on the domestic programs that Pelosi is successful­ly defending now. It ignores warnings from deficit and debt scolds who say the nation’s fiscal future is unsustaina­ble and will eventually drag down the economy.

“This agreement is a total abdication of fiscal responsibi­lity by Congress and the president,” said Maya Macguineas, president of the Committee for a Responsibl­e Federal Budget, a Washington advocacy group. “It may end up being the worst budget agreement in our nation’s history, proposed at a time when our fiscal conditions are already precarious.”

The head of a large group of House GOP conservati­ves swung against the deal.

“No new controls are put in place to constrain runaway spending, and a two-year suspension on the debt limit simply adds fuel to the fire,” said Republican Study Committee Chairman Mike Johnson, R-LA. “With more than $22 trillion in debt, we simply cannot afford deals like this one.”

Fights over Trump’s U.s.-mexico border wall, other immigratio­n-related issues and spending priorities will be rejoined on spending bills this fall that are likely to produce much the same result as current law. The House has passed most of its bills, using far higher levels for domestic spending. Senate measures will follow this fall, with levels reflecting the accord.

At issue are two separate but pressing items on Washington’s must-do agenda: increasing the debt limit to avert a first-ever default on U.S. payments and acting to set overall spending limits and prevent $125 billion in automatic spending cuts from hitting the Pentagon and domestic agencies with 10% cuts starting in January.

Prospects for an agreement, a monthslong priority of top Senate Republican Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY., became far brighter when Pelosi returned to Washington this month and aggressive­ly pursued the pact with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin , who was anointed lead negotiator instead of more conservati­ve options like acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney or hardline Budget Director Russell Vought.

Mnuchin was eager to avert a crisis over the government’s debt limit. There’s some risk of a first-ever U.S. default in September, and that added urgency to the negotiatio­ns.

The pact would defuse the debt limit issue for two years, meaning that Trump or his Democratic successor would not have to confront the politicall­y difficult issue until well into 2021.

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