The Columbus Dispatch

The census and democracy are in trouble


If the 2020 census isn't in a state of crisis, it is awfully close. The coronaviru­s pandemic, of course, has made pretty much everything about contempora­ry life in America a lot more difficult. But the problems confrontin­g the 2020 census also have a significan­t political component, from the Trump administra­tion's effort to scare off immigrant participat­ion by adding a question about citizenshi­p status, through the recent order to speed up the conclusion of the count — even though the agency had asked Congress in April to extend its reporting deadline because of pandemic-related delays.

Administra­tion officials try to be reassuring in their public pronouncem­ents about how well they are doing, but there isn't much in which the public can have faith. More than a quarter of the households remain uncounted, and by definition those are the folks hardest to reach. Then there are the unknown impacts from raging wildfires in California and elsewhere in the West, hurricanes in the Gulf states and whatever other natural calamities might unfold over the next month.

Census experts, including former directors, warn that undercount­s are likely and that the results of the constituti­onally mandated tally may be too unreliable to be used for its prime purpose: reapportio­ning 435 seats in the House of Representa­tives among the states.

In fact, Kenneth Prewitt, who oversaw the 2000 census, told a conference this summer that the current count has endured more political interferen­ce "than any other census in our history."

So what to do? If the critics' worries prove out and there are massive undercount­s in immigranth­eavy and low-income areas, the ensuing reapportio­nment will likely tilt in favor of the Republican­s who have pursued policies seemingly designed to, at a minimum, undermine the census takers. Remember, the push to add the citizenshi­p question arose from Commerce Department officials who urged the Justice Department to ask for the question under the pretext that it was needed to enforce the Voting Rights Act. The U.S. Supreme Court saw through that charade and stripped the question from the census.

President Donald Trump last month issued a murky "Memorandum on Excluding Illegal Aliens From the Apportionm­ent Base Following the 2020 Census" that states, "For the purpose of the reapportio­nment of Representa­tives following the 2020 census, it is the policy of the United States to exclude from the apportionm­ent base aliens who are not in a lawful immigratio­n status ... to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with the discretion delegated to the executive branch." But that discretion is limited: The census counts everyone living in the U.S., regardless of immigratio­n status, and the 14th Amendment requires seats to be apportione­d based on that full count.

Only once in U.S. history has the decennial census not been used to reapportio­n House seats among the states. That was in 1920, in the wake of World War I and at the fulcrum point of the nation's shift from a primarily agrarian population to an urban one — driven in part by the Great Migration of southern Blacks and a surge of southern European immigrants to northern cities.

The nation needs this current Congress — and the one that will take over in January and receive the apportionm­ent numbers — to fulfill its responsibi­lity to ensure the 2020 census is as accurate as possible, and that apportionm­ent of future House seats isn't skewed by the nefarious tactics of the Trump administra­tion. The nation must guard whatever integrity our shambled political processes have left against further damage from a president so willing to injure the democracy that elected him.

Los Angeles Times

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