The Columbus Dispatch

Central Ohio fans, businesses happy for return of Big Ten football

- Emma Scott Moran Dr. Jim Borchers

Central Ohio businesses, restaurant­s, bars and sports fans have suffered a long and difficult year in the midst of the pandemic. Fortunatel­y, the return of Big Ten football this fall offers new opportunit­ies and a more hopeful future.

Varsity Club general manager Tony Mollica, who describes his business as a football restaurant, said that the good news will have a big impact on restaurant owners, customer and sports fans alike.

“We kind of thrive off the stadium and the events,” Mollica said. “It was a long six months, and I think any restaurant could tell you that. This has had a huge impact on our entire industry.”

John Massimiani, owner of Little Bar and Chop Shop, said this time of the year is usually his busiest and how he makes most of his revenue, with thousands of students and spectators coming into Little Bar on game days.

While he looks forward to the return of Ohio State football, Massimiani said he is still concerned about the amount of protocols he must follow and how this will impact customers.

“Everyone thinks we’re going to be completely packed, but we still have to follow all these protocols,” Massimiani said. “It’s not going to be like a regular season is, but anything’s better than what’s going on right now, so we’re happy for the announceme­nt and we’re going to try to keep fighting it and getting through it.”

Regulation­s that limit capacity and restrict hours in bars and restaurant­s are still in place in Ohio.

Little Bar must close at 10 p.m., Massimiani said, which is when his clientele usually begin their nights. He hopes that these limitation­s will be loosened and he can begin to serve his customers, and earn a profit, like in the past.

Quinn Allen, owner of The Library bar, said that while his business day is shortened by four valuable hours, the Big Ten’s decision is a positive step in the right direction.

Allen said that the conference is dealing with its own difficulti­es — navigating a shortened season and unknown game times — that will also determine how his bar will operate.

Allen said The Library earns about 60% of its annual revenue from game days.

“If we have an 8 o’clock game, that’s not going to be good kicking everybody out at halftime. Since we’re dealing with the restrictio­ns and we’re only at half-capacity, this still will only give us an opportunit­y to make 50% of that 60% percent of our income, if not less,” Allen said. “At this point in the year we’re really looking forward to digging ourselves out of a really large deficit that we’ve been set up with this year.”

Allen said that while the Big Ten has been suspended, he has customers come in to watch NFL games. At the same time, Allen said this is nothing compared to the frenzy that Ohio State football ignites in his customers, and Columbus as a whole.

“There’s just nothing that compares to Buckeye football, I don’t care what part of the country you’re in, what team you’re rooting for,” Allen said. “Being at the epicenter of it, right there at Lane and High, there’s no bigger deal going on on a Saturday in the fall other than Buckeye football.

The news about the return of Big Ten this fall has also been a breath of fresh air for fans, including lifelong Columbus resident John Tate.

After hearing that OSU football would be back this fall, he said pure excitement rushed through his body. Not only would his childhood team be back in contention this year, the season would serve as an opportunit­y for fans to have a sense of ease during these times.

“I think the season will have a large part in escapism for the Buckeye community and for people like myself,” Tate said. “There are so many things going in the world and I think that being able to sit down and watch your favorite football team play in hopes of contending for a title is ultimately relaxing.”

Dispatch Reporter Earl Hopkins contribute­d to this story. escottmora­ @emmascottm­oran

“In medicine, very often when things are unclear, we pause, we become collegial, we discuss. We’re driven for a path forward and are driven to look at the evidence. I think all of us have done that and, and we’ve ended up in a place where we feel comfortabl­e, that we have a path forward that’s going to emphasize that health and safety.”

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