The Columbus Dispatch

Trump to make court pick by Saturday


Jonathan Lemire, Lisa Mascaro and Alexandra Jaffe

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said Monday he expects to announce his pick for the Supreme Court on Friday or Saturday, after funeral services for Ruth Bader Ginsburg and just days before the first presidenti­al election debate.

Ginsburg’s casket will be on public view Wednesday and Thursday at the iconic steps outside the court building to allow for public mourning during the coronaviru­s pandemic. On Friday, Ginsburg will lie in state in the Capitol’s Statuary Hall in a ceremony open only to invited guests, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.

The court said Ginsburg will be buried next week at Arlington National Cemetery in a private service.

Trump told “Fox & Friends” that he has a list of five finalists, “probably four,” and that he is pushing for a confirmati­on vote before Election Day. Democrats vigorously oppose that, pointing to the hypocrisy of Republican­s for rushing through a pick so close to the election after refusing to do so months earlier for President Barack Obama in 2016.

Dismissing that argument, Trump said of a rapid nomination and confirmati­on, “I think that would be good for the Republican Party, and I think it would be good for everybody to get it over with.”

The impending clash over the vacant seat — when to fill it and with whom — has scrambled the stretch run of the presidenti­al race for a nation already reeling from the pandemic that has killed nearly 200,000 people, left millions unemployed and heightened partisan tensions and anger. Democratic nominee Joe Biden has urged a delay in a nomination, declaring that the next president should fill the seat.

Ginsburg, 87, died Friday of metastatic pancreatic cancer.

Trump disparaged reports that Ginsburg had told her granddaugh­ter it was her wish that a replacemen­t justice not be confirmed until the inaugurati­on of a new president. Trump floated a farflung theory that he thought his Democratic political foes were behind the report, including Rep. Adam Schiff, who led the House impeachmen­t probe, Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.

The president and his fellow Republican­s, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, who will control the timing of the confirmati­on hearings and vote, have pushed back against the 2016 comparison, noting that Trump could win again and saying that, unlike four years ago, the same party controlled both the White House and the Senate.

“We have the presidency and the Senate and we have plenty of time,” Trump said.

Trump allowed that he would accept a vote in the lame-duck period after Election Day but made clear his preference would be that it occur by Nov. 3.

The president criticized Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska for opposing a vote before elections, warning they would be “very badly hurt” by voters.

Mcconnell and his Senate GOP leadership team were to meet Monday behind closed doors as they assess next steps.

Announcing a nominee on Friday or Saturday would leave less than 40 days for the Senate to hold a confirmati­on vote before the election. No nominee has won confirmati­on that quickly since Sandra Day O’connor became the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court in 1981. O’connor was confirmed 99-0 just over a month after she was nominated by President Ronald Reagan.

The president confirmed Monday that among the top contenders are Indiana’s Amy Coney Barrett and Florida’s Barbara Lagoa, both appellate court judges he appointed. Barrett has long been a favorite among conservati­ve while Lagoa has been pushed by some aides who tout her political advantages of being Hispanic and hailing from the key battlegrou­nd state of Florida.

Trump also indicated that Allison Jones Rushing, a 38-year-old appellate judge from North Carolina, is on his short list. He has promised to nominate a woman for the high court, adding that his preference is for someone younger who could hold her seat for decades.

As the Senate returned to Washington on Monday, attention focused on Republican­s Mitt Romney of Utah and Chuck Grassley of Iowa for clues to whether Trump and Mcconnell will be able to confirm Ginsburg’s replacemen­t anytime soon.

A day earlier, Biden had urged Republican­s

to join Murkowski and Collins in opposing a confirmati­on vote before the Nov. 3 election. It takes four GOP senators breaking ranks to keep Trump’s nominee off the court.

“Uphold your constituti­onal duty, your conscience,” said Biden, speaking in Philadelph­ia on Sunday. “Let the people speak. Cool the flames that have engulfed our country.”

Jamming the nomination through, Biden said, would amount to an “abuse of power.”

The sudden vacancy seems certain to electrify both sides: Democrats were breaking fundraisin­g records while a packed Trump crowd in North Carolina on Saturday loudly chanted “Fill that seat.” But it remains unclear if the high bench vacancy — which could impact everything from abortion rights to legal challenges to the 2020 election — would persuade disenchant­ed Republican­s to return to Trump or fire up women or suburban voters to break for Biden.

Republican­s hold a 53-47 edge in the Senate. If there were a 50-50 tie, it could be broken by Vice President Mike Pence.

There is another potential wrinkle: Because Arizona’s Senate race is a special election, that seat could be filled as early as Nov. 30. If Democrat Mark Kelly wins and is seated, that would narrow the window for Mcconnell.

Most Republican­s concurred on the need for speed and one named a practical reason: The nine-member court, argued Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, must be full if called upon to decide the outcome of a disputed presidenti­al election.

But Biden and other Democrats said voters should choose the next president, who should, in turn, pick Ginsburg’s successor. Health care, abortion rights and religious freedom are on the line, they said.

Biden, who has run on uniting the country after Trump’s divisive tenure, warned against more upheaval.

“The last thing we need is a constituti­onal crisis that plunges us deeper into the abyss and deeper into the darkness,” he said.

He acknowledg­ed that if Trump wins, his pick should be approved. But Biden added, “If I win this election, President Trump’s nominee should be withdrawn and as the new president I should be the one to nominate Justice Ginsburg’s successor.”

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