The Columbus Dispatch

Stranded in paradise feels like being trapped

- Nick Perry and Eva Vergara

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — For people around the world, the coronaviru­s has caused distressin­g separation­s and delayed homecoming­s. But the situation for a group of 25 residents from remote Easter Island stands out.

For six months now the group has been stranded far across a vast stretch of ocean on Tahiti in French Polynesia. Children remain separated from their parents, husbands from their wives.

Mihinoa Terakauhau Pont, a 21-yearold mom who is among those stranded, is due to give birth to her second son any day now, but can’t have her husband by her side because he’s back home. Her grief has left her exhausted.

“I can’t cry anymore,” she said. “My heart is cold.”

Usually considered a tropical paradise, Tahiti has become a kind of prison to them. Many arrived in March planning to stay for just a few weeks — they’d come for work, or a vacation, or for medical procedures. But they got stuck when the virus swept across the globe and their flights home were canceled.

Each day they have been going to the authoritie­s and begging for help. They’ve considered chartering a plane or trying to hitch a lift on a military ship to make the journey of some 2,600 miles. But each time their hopes rise a little, their plans turn out to be too expensive or impractica­l.

Home to about 8,000 people, Easter Island is a tiny speck in the Pacific Ocean, located midway between Polynesia and South America. Also named Rapa Nui, the Chilean territory is renowned for its imposing moai — giant heads carved from volcanic rock by inhabitant­s hundreds of years ago. For Easter Islanders, Tahiti has long been a stopping-off point, a connection to the rest of the world.

Until the virus struck, LATAM airlines ran a regular return route from Santiago, Chile, to Easter Island and on to Tahiti. LATAM said it suspended the route in March because of the virus and doesn’t have a timeline for restarting it. No other airlines offer a similar service.

“The resumption of this flight is subject to the developmen­t of the pandemic and travel restrictio­ns in place,” the airline said in a statement.

Terakauhau Pont arrived in Tahiti in January to visit her first son, who was staying on a nearby island with her parents. She was due to fly home in March. As the weeks trying to get a flight back slipped into months, she heard from afar that her husband had lost his job at a hotel because of the downturn in the tourism industry caused by the virus.

Now, Terakauhau Pont’s mother has started a garden and her father is going fishing so they have enough food to eat each day.

“It’s the only way to survive,” she said.

She has pleaded with the authoritie­s to help, and has even written to leaders in mainland Chile and on Easter Island, but without any success.

“It is so much grief for all of us,” she said.

She said the person who has done the most to help is Kissy Baude, a 40-yearold administra­tive technician who has lived in Tahiti for years but was due to start a new job on her native Easter Island in April.

Because of her contacts on Tahiti, Baude has become the unofficial leader of the group — its social worker, psychologi­st and spokespers­on. Baude said the group has survived thanks to the generosity of Tahitians, who have been providing them with food and accommodat­ion.

Baude said that before the virus struck, she was eagerly anticipati­ng returning to Easter Island. She was looking forward to seeing her mother, who has a room prepared and waiting. But now, her mother’s husband also remains stranded with her on Tahiti, after traveling there for colon surgery in March.

Baude said one option they’ve been exploring is to fly a circuitous route to Los Angeles and then to Santiago and hope they get repatriate­d from there. But even then their return isn’t certain, and many in the group can’t afford the expense.

 ?? [TERAIHAU RIO VIA AP] ?? Kissy Baude, second from left, is serving as the unnofficia­l leader for 25 people who have been trapped in Tahiti for six months because pandemic restrictio­ns have prevented them from returning home to Easter Island.
[TERAIHAU RIO VIA AP] Kissy Baude, second from left, is serving as the unnofficia­l leader for 25 people who have been trapped in Tahiti for six months because pandemic restrictio­ns have prevented them from returning home to Easter Island.

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