The Columbus Dispatch

Ambassador to US was in Trump pageant

- Marcos Aleman and Joshua Goodman

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — El Salvador's next ambassador to Washington is someone President Donald Trump might remember from his days as a beauty pageant boss.

A photo circulatin­g on social media over the weekend showed a smiling Trump locking arms with Milena Mayorga and two other contestant­s, Miss USA and Miss Guatemala, on the sidelines of the 1996 Miss Universe pageant, where she was a top 10 finalist. Trump at the time was owner of the pageant.

Mayorga, 44, was appointed last week by President Nayib Bukele as El Salvador's next ambassador to the U.S.

She's a political neophyte with no previous diplomatic experience, having been elected to congress for the first time in 2018.

But she's well known to Salvadoran­s for years as a popular TV host.

Mayorga garnered the president's attention after denouncing corruption in her conservati­ve ARENA party, which as the dominant force in congress has blocked Bukele's agenda. She later quit the party.

As ambassador, she'll face an uphill battle trying to repair deteriorat­ing relations with Republican­s and Democrats in Congress who have increasing­ly voiced concern that Bukele, although highly popular, is oversteppi­ng his authority and threatenin­g checks and balances in the small Central American country.

Though Bukele has endeared himself to Trump by backing his hard-line immigratio­n policies, he's faced criticism among human rights and pro-democracy activists for defying El Salvador's supreme court and congress.

On Thursday, six Republican congressme­n, led by David Joyce of Ohio and Mario Diaz Balart of Miami, wrote a letter to Bukele expressing concern about what they called El Salvador's “slow but sure departure from the rule of law and norms of democracy that our hemisphere has fought so hard to preserve.”

The letter provoked an angry response on national TV from Bukele, who dismissed the letter as the work of a small group of lawmakers who don't represent even 3% of the entire U.S. Congress.

“Getting congressme­n to write a letter is the easiest thing in the world,” Bukele said.

Criticism of Bukele stems from his repeated defiance of congress and the supreme court.

Mayorga has generated controvers­y inside El Salvador for honoring on social media the deceased military commander behind the 1981 raid on the village of El Mozote, a gruesome low point during the country's long civil war. Almost 1,000 people, including farmers and children, were killed by U.s.-trained counterins­urgency troops during a hunt for leftist guerrillas.

“Some people never die, they just convert into myths and legends,” she wrote in a 2018 tribute to army Col. Domingo Monterrosa on the anniversar­y of the commander's birth.

Monterrosa was later killed when a guerrilla bomb destroyed the helicopter he was traveling in.

Mayorga was a top 10 finalist at the 1996 Miss Universe won by Alicia Machado, a former Miss Venezuela who campaigned against Trump in the 2016 campaign. Machado accused Trump of labeling her with a sexist nickname — “Miss Piggy” — that caused her shame and humiliatio­n after she was crowned Miss Universe.

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