The Columbus Dispatch

California phases out gas-guzzlers


California has made it official: This is the beginning of the end of the gasoline-powered car. For the health of the state and the planet, the demise of the tailpipe can’t come soon enough.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed an executive order Wednesday requiring that all new cars and light pickup trucks sold in California in 2035 be zero-emission vehicles.

That will be a huge market shift. Only about 8% of vehicles sold in California last year were electric or plug-in hybrid models. Zero-emission vehicles still make up only a small fraction of the cars on the road.

The slowness of the transition to zero-emission cars is exactly why Newsom and state leaders have to be more aggressive. There is no way California will meet its clean-air requiremen­ts or its ambitious goals to fight climate change without expeditiou­sly removing fossil-fuel powered vehicles from the roads.

The transporta­tion sector is responsibl­e for more than half of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions. While other sectors, most notably the state’s power systems, have reduced their carbon footprint, the opposite is true for the transporta­tion sector, which is producing more emissions, even as cars and trucks have gotten cleaner.

And this is not just a climate change threat. Cars, trucks and other vehicles are responsibl­e for 80% of smog-forming pollution and 95% of toxic diesel emissions.

Time is running out. In fact, Newsom’s mandate to phase out gas-powered cars may even be too little, too late.

A report from the U.N. Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change warned that the world’s annual carbon dioxide emissions have to rapidly decline by 2030 to prevent the planet from warming more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustr­ial levels — which was the goal of the 2015 Paris agreement. Yet, as of now, worldwide carbon emissions continue to increase.

We can’t wait until 2035 to transition to clean vehicles. The California Air Resources Board will develop regulation­s to require that manufactur­ers make zeroemissi­on vehicles a much larger share of their fleets sold in California, much more quickly. California will have to offer more financial incentives for car buyers, at least until the price of an electric car is closer to the price of a gas-powered model. And the state will have to work with utilities to vastly expand the charging infrastruc­ture.

The state rules won’t prevent people from continuing to own gas-powered cars in 2035 or selling them on the used market, Newsom said. Still, California will also have to look at programs to encourage people to scrap their old gas-fueled car rather than sell it.

Newsom ended his press conference Thursday by name-checking the Republican­s who have been leaders on clean air. Then-gov. Ronald Reagan fought for California’s right to set its own, tougher vehicle emission standards. President Richard Nixon signed the 1970 Clean Air Act, which gave California the right to set pollution standards for cars. President George H.W. Bush greatly expanded the Clean Air Act in 1990. And Gov. Arnold Schwarzene­gger signed California’s landmark 2006 law to fight climate change.

Clean air used to be a bipartisan issue. Now we have President Donald Trump, who has spent his entire first term trying to roll back fuel economy rules and curtail California’s power to set its own clean-car standards. If reelected in November, he will surely continue his misguided crusade to put the demands of the fossil fuel industry above the health of the public and the planet.

The state is already feeling the effects of climate change with record-high temperatur­es and recordyear wildfires. We cannot wait for the federal government to step up, or be deterred by Trump’s denial of science and facts. California has to take the lead, again.

Los Angeles Times

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