The Columbus Dispatch

Worry arises for post-election violence

Some stocking supplies, others buying weapons

- Trevor Hughes

AURORA, Colo. – Tabitha Converse is quietly preparing for Election Day and the weeks beyond by stocking her basement pantry with canned goods, toilet paper and other basic supplies. She even persuaded her husband to buy a hunting rifle, just in case.

Like millions of Americans, Converse, 43, fears the potential for violence that experts say may accompany this year’s presidenti­al election. A mother of two who works as a dental hygienist, Converse is trying not to worry too much, but with a pandemic, civil rights protests and raging wildfires piled atop the election’s boiling-hot rhetoric, well, who knows what might happen?

Most experts predict scattered violence is the worst the United States could experience this Election Day, given isolated incidents that have already taken place this year. But across the country, Americans like Converse are stocking up and preparing to hunker down to ride out a possible wave of sustained election-related chaos. They are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers and getting ready to peel off political bumper stickers and yank out yard signs to make themselves less of a target in case the other guy wins. Some are fleeing for remote areas or custombuil­t bunkers.

“It just seemed, well, stupid isn’t the right word, but it doesn’t make sense to be that ill-prepared,” said Converse, a lifelong Republican who voted Democrat in the presidenti­al race for the first time this year. “A civil war? That could last for years. We don’t have years’ worth of supplies, and if it went on for years, well, you could always go out and shoot a deer.”

The angst follows months of widespread Black Lives Matter social justice protests, more than 90% of which were peaceful, according to a study by Amnesty Internatio­nal. But some conservati­ve news outlets and GOP leaders, including President Donald Trump, have pointed to looting and destructio­n to argue that more federal law enforcemen­t is needed to guard against violence, aiming their message squarely at suburban women.

On the other side, there’s fear that right-wing anti-government extremists responding to the largest civil rights

movement in 50 years have now aligned themselves with Trump. After years of growing hate crimes and violence, experts said there is a concern that armed right-wing terrorists might take to the streets if there are delays in election results or an unfavorabl­e outcome, such as Democrat Joe Biden taking the White House.

“Everyone I know is concerned both about voter intimidati­on at the polls and potential violence as we get results from the election, and sort of what that might look like, not just around the election but between the election and the inaugurati­on,” said Carolyn Gallaher, a professor at American University’s School of Internatio­nal Service in Washington, D.C., and an expert on extremist violence in the United States.

While the U.S. has a long history of violent protest, from firebombings and shootings at abortion clinics by antiaborti­on extremists to the 25 bombings committed by the left-wing Weather Undergroun­d terror group opposing the Vietnam War and racism, experts say widespread prediction­s of election-related violence are unpreceden­ted.

Further fueling potential violence: the staggering number of guns bought this year. According to FBI statistics, gun dealers in June ran more than 3.9 million background checks on purchasers through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System –

the highest number ever recorded in a single month.

While background checks are not an exact measure of gun sales, they’re a widely used proxy. Gun sellers in the first nine months of 2020 have conducted more checks than they did in all 2019, which held the previous record for a year at 28.3 million.

“The violence will occur either way,” Gallaher said. “If Biden wins, it will be an excuse to try to delegitimi­ze the results and to go after perceived enemies on the left, and of course, that means labeling pretty much anyone that you disagree with Antifa. But I worry, too, if Trump wins, this will be a signal to these far-right groups that have supported him, extremist groups like the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, other groups like this that they will see this is like open season to go after people that have been opponents of Trump. So even if he wins that, you know, I think the violence is going to happen. It’s going to be sort of opening the door.”

This summer, human rights group Amnesty Internatio­nal documented about 200 violent conflicts between protest groups out of approximat­ely 12,000 protests nationally. Of those, most violence occurred when armed right-wing groups showed up to confront otherwise peaceful protesters, Amnesty said.

On Friday, the Justice Department announced the arrest of a Texas man, Ivan Hunter, who officials said fired 13 shots from an Ak-47-type rifle into a Minneapoli­s police station overrun and set on fire by Black Lives Matter protesters the night of May 28. The protests erupted following the Memorial Day death of George Floyd, a Black man who died after a white police officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes. Federal officials say Hunter, 26, is a member of the “Boogaloo Bois,” a loosely organized anti-government group that includes members who want to start a race war.

As BLM protests spread, Trump at one point called in black-clad federal troops over the wishes of Democratic leaders in Portland, Oregon, sparking fears among liberals and conservati­ves about excessive use of force.

Many liberal groups also saw Trump’s decision to tear-gas protesters and then stage a photo-op with a Bible at a Washington, D.C., church this summer as further evidence that he’d be quick to deploy government troops post-election.

Trump has repeatedly said several cities with Democratic mayors are going “to hell,” and he’s warned that more cities will descend into chaos if Biden wins the presidency. The president has also raised concerns about the election process by claiming without evidence that voting is rigged and suggesting he won’t accept the result if he loses, alarming analysts and experts.

“We’re looking at one of the most profound civil rights movements this country has seen in 50 years, and the president of the United States is conflating the Black Lives Movement with politicall­y motivated violence,” said Brian Griffey, an Amnesty Internatio­nal regional researcher and adviser who has worked in Ukraine, Nepal and Kosovo. “Trump himself called Portland worse than Afghanista­n. The level of which they’ve been trying to throw fuel on the fire and exacerbate conflicts is incredibly concerning.”

On the ground, voting rights advocates have stepped up their efforts to make sure voters can safely cast their ballots. The NAACP has trained thousands of volunteers in deescalati­on tactics, hoping to prevent violence before it even starts. That’s the approach also being taken by the Rev. Carl Day, a Philadelph­ia pastor who has encouraged groups of young Black men to stand at the polls to deter violence, whether that’s local gang members looking for trouble or white domestic terrorists focused on this important swing state.

 ?? TREVOR HUGHES/USA TODAY NETWORK ?? Federal agents detain a woman during a protest July 27 outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Ore.
TREVOR HUGHES/USA TODAY NETWORK Federal agents detain a woman during a protest July 27 outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Ore.

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