The Columbus Dispatch

Family separation a permanent stain on US


The Trump administra­tion’s steamrolli­ng of standards of common sense and common decency has been on relentless display in recent months. It has hindered mail voting by interferin­g with postal operations and removed the chief scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion – for the supposed sin of reminding political appointees of NOAA’S formal commitment to scientific integrity on issues starting with climate change.

But there’s one policy that’s back in the news that might be remembered as the single cruelest adopted under President Donald Trump: the practice of separating children from their migrant parents at the U.S.Mexico border when they were apprehende­d attempting to enter the U.S. illegally or in some cases when they sought asylum.

White House claims that this was done in the best interests of the 5,500-plus children who were taken from their parents beginning in El Paso, Texas, in 2017 have always been lies. Instead, this was straight out of the playbook of Trump aide Stephen Miller: discouragi­ng would-be immigrants to the United States by any means possible, regardless of whether it took a brutal human toll.

Now court documents released this week show that more than two years later, the Trump administra­tion still is not complying with local federal Judge Dana M. Sabraw’s June 2018 ruling issuing a national injunction against the family separation policy and requiring that families be reunited within 30 days.

The documents showed the federal government had been unable to locate the parents of 545 detained children despite Spanish-language radio ads being aired in Mexico and Central America and the efforts of investigat­ors who have traveled to Guatemala and Honduras in search of public records to establish links to the kids.

There are another 422 children who are not seen as eligible for reunification because of their parents’ criminal records or health. There also are 104 children for whom officials simply have no informatio­n.

In hindsight, there are obvious reasons why some parents of the 545 children might be hard to locate. As The New York Times reported, some parents might believe that their children are better off in the U.S. with relatives and family friends who have taken them in.

When Sabraw’s order was issued 28 months ago, the government said it applied to 2,700 cases. Now the number has been found to be more than double that. This fuzziness is why Sabraw also ordered the federal government in 2018 to set up a database to track families detained at the border.

A recently released affidavit from the Customs and Border Protection agency said the database won’t be fully functional until 2022. It’s hard to believe this delay isn’t one more sign of the Trump administra­tion’s bad faith – or that another president wouldn’t do more to scrub this stain from history.

The family separation policy should be remembered by all so it’s never repeated – and recalled by voters so they don’t return Trump to office.

San Diego Union-tribune

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