The Columbus Dispatch

Ohio Dems celebrate Biden’s win

Mayor: ‘This is what democracy looks like’

- Randy Ludlow and Darrel Rowland

To Ohio Democratic Chairman David Pepper, Saturday “will be one of the most important in our nation’s history.”

Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther exulted “THIS is what democracy looks like.”

For Ohio House Minority Leader Emilia Sykes, the news means that “young Black girls will be able to see themselves aspiring to serve the people in any capacity including the second highest office in the free world.”

But the declaratio­n that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had won the overtime election did not set well with all Ohioans.

“The premature announceme­nt by some media outlets announcing Joe Biden as the winner of the Presidenti­al Election is reckless and irresponsi­ble. The Electoral College has not been convened, and there are multiple serious reports of voter fraud on a massive scale in the states of Pennsylvan­ia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada,” said Ohio Christian President Chris Long, citing accounts for which there is no proof.

Winners have been declared in every modern U.S. presidenti­al election before the electoral college convenes in mid-december.

Lt. Gov. Jon Husted tweeted: “It appears Joe Biden will be declared the winner of last week’s election & when election officials declare the final results, we should honor the outcome.”

Youngstown-area Congressma­n Tim Ryan called for unity:

“The era of division and inertia is over. Now is the time to unite as a nation behind President Joe Biden. The challenges are great, but the opportunit­ies are unlimited if we come together as one people.”

Sen. Sherrod Brown talked about Biden’s character.

‘“President-elect Joe Biden’s story is one of loss, perseveran­ce, and strength. He is a good and wise man, and his election proves that our country is choosing truth, decency, and unity over lies and division,” the Cleveland Democrat said.

“Biden and Harris are ready to restore hope and civility to the White House, come together to keep our democracy strong, and ensure that all work has dignity in this country.”

Trump again won Ohio by just over 8 percentage points in Tuesday’s election, although that margin is not final.

Ohio union leaders claimed their stake in the Biden’s victory.

“Working people decisively rejected the politics of darkness and division and voted in record numbers for public servants who want to join us in writing America’s comeback story,” said Tim Burga, president of the Ohio AFL-CIO.

“Let’s be clear: Union voters delivered this election for Biden and Harris. Their message and commitment to create ‘the most significant pro-labor,

pro-worker administra­tion’ resonated with our 12.5 million members and 56 affiliated unions who are hungry for a bigger voice in our economy and our politics.”

Becky Williams, president of SEIU District 1199 and the union’s internatio­nal vice president, said “essential workers” voted for the Democratic ticket in record numbers, “making history by electing the first Black woman and the first person of Indian descent as vice president of the United States.

“Now women and girls across the country and around the world will see a reflection of themselves ... and know that they can achieve their dreams no matter their ZIP code or the color of their skin.”

Pepper said, “Politics is a team sport, and everyone who pitched in from Ohio owns a piece of this historic victory — the day that we saved our democracy for future generation­s.”

In a statement, Ohio House Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes, D-akron, welcomed the news Democrats had awaited all week.

Sykes said, “After nearly four years of division, hate, and the attempt to dismantle our country, the people of America have united to clearly state that enough is enough and have put us back on a path of progress, healing, and unity...

“These outcomes do not solve the coronaviru­s, racial inequities, climate change, or the numerous other problems that we collective­ly face, but they will provide the right leadership and instill hope in us all as we come together as a nation and welcome the next president and vice president of our country.” But Long wasn’t having any of that. “The election results are not confirmed. If you are for the integrity of elections, which our Republic is built upon, we cannot accept this fraudulent vote that is taking place across the country. President Trump won the election on Tuesday, and massive fraud has been taking place over the last four days.”

There was no reaction the first several hours after the announceme­nt from leading Ohio Republican­s, such as Gov. Mike Dewine, Sen. Rob Portman, GOP Chair Jane Timken or the president’s

Ohio campaign spokesman.

During his stint on CNN, however, former GOP Gov. John Kasich said after the results came in he was gratified that he backed Biden.

But he called on the former vice president to reach out to Republican­s and shy away of the far-left wing of his own party is he wants to get anything done.

Biden also should work on problems that plague voters in Trump country, such as an ailing economy and lack of rural broadband, Kasich said.

“If all sides can begin to listen and think, this country can be healed.”

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