The Columbus Dispatch

Loss of support for police would have upset “Buck” Rinehart


On election night, I heard shouting from heaven. It was former Mayor Dana G. “Buck” Rinehart, screaming about the decay of his beloved Columbus.

Call a social worker, a liberal pastor, a community activist or Mayor Andrew J. Ginther himself if you voted for Mayor Andrew Ginther’s Issue 2, which would create a “civilian police review board.” Do not call the police if you are being robbed at gunpoint, if your house is being burglarize­d, if you are involved in a domestic violence issue, if you are in an automobile accident or if your cat is stuck in a tree.

Ginther and anyone who voted for “police reform” have no respect and, apparently, no need for police protection. Ginther was foaming at the mouth when he said he was “surprised,” “angered” and “disappoint­ed” when there were no findings of misconduct by police in a $55,000 investigat­ion by Bakerhoste­tler.

So Ginther hired a New York crime prevention group for $80,000 to have a six-month “initiative” regarding violent crime in Columbus. It will not take six months; I will sum it up today, for half that price tag. Criminals know that Ginther and his administra­tion do not support Columbus police; they have the mindset that there is no need for law enforcemen­t.

Criminals run the streets. That is why we have violent crime in Columbus.

Issue 2 is Ginther breaking Buck Rinehart’s heart.

Carmen Sauer, Columbus

We are in the midst of a global pandemic that has infected millions of Americans and led to the death of hundreds of thousands more. We know ways that we can reduce the impact — avoiding large groups of people, washing our hands frequently, maintainin­g at least a 6-foot distance from others and wearing a face mask.

Wearing a mask is something that each of us can do to confront this pandemic and save lives of those we come in contact with — our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers —and maybe even ourselves. A study from the University of Washington found that if 95% of the population wore a mask, well over 100,000 lives in America could be saved through next February. Thousands of those lives would be right here in Ohio.

Yet masks have become a point of political division. We are all grateful for individual liberties and the right to make individual choices granted to us. We should also recall our country’s long heritage of people making individual sacrifices to protect others. Throughout our history, Americans have risked their own lives to save others, such as serving in the military or law enforcemen­t, fighting fires and doing other things in daily life. Sometimes, people lose their own lives while protecting the lives of others.

Wearing a mask also saves lives. Wearing a mask can be uncomforta­ble, but not much more than that. If you have been wearing mask, thank you. If you haven’t been, please reconsider.

At a point not too far in the future, the pandemic will end, and then it will be safe for all of us to go mask-free. When we compare the real risks that our first responders and military face each day to protect our lives, wearing a mask to save lives of our fellow Americans doesn’t seem like that much of a sacrifice, does it? It’s good medicine and good citizenshi­p.

Mark Hurst, MD, Columbus

‘Stable’ business climate has winners and losers

I respond to the Tuesday letter “Judicial restraint important to stable business climate” from Patrick Tiberi. Note that he writes as the president and chief executive officer of the Ohio Business Roundtable, a highly paid position that was so attractive that Tiberi left his seat in Congress rather than complete the term to which he was elected.

His point is actually that some previous judges had their decisions somewhat reflect their conscience­s, their basic humanity, rather than solely by the wording of corrupt laws reflecting the legislativ­e decisions of the gerrymande­red Ohio legislatur­e that has long been biased in favor of the Republican­s, which are vastly overrepres­ented in the legislatur­e in comparison with the political balance of the citizens of the state.

He refers to “job creators” and “a stable business climate and healthy job climate,” but of course makes no mention of the fact that this climate has, for years, increasing­ly benefited business to the ever-increasing exclusion of those who actually perform the work, at ever decreasing buying power and thus to the long-term damage to the nation and loss of customer base to those wealthy business owners.

Edward R. Jones, Reynoldsbu­rg

I pledge to respect the outcome and choices made by others

There I was about two hours before I cast my votes in the general election of 2020. I suspect I wasn't the only one who has labored over his or her choices in this most divided of elections. I had watched how many businesses have already boarded up their doors and windows in anticipati­on of further dissent if the outcome is not to some people's liking, but to that end I make this promise to my fellow citizens: Regardless of the outcome, I will not join in the anticipate­d anarchy.

I will accept the choices of the people and I will conduct myself as I always have, with dignity and trust in my fellow man. With regard to other citizens' right to vote their preference and with respect for their property. I will not throw a tantrum nor a rock.

I ask only the same of my fellow Americans. We're better than that. We live in the greatest country the world has ever known. Let us show our appreciati­on of that fact in how we conduct ourselves after the election results come in. God bless America.

John R. Booth, Columbus

Nation has another chance to reduce the suffering

The PRO-COVID forces, whom I define as those who reframe pro-choice as proabortio­n, have a point in saying that with only mild public health measures, the pandemic will pass or at worst we will learn to live with it, like the common cold. The so-called thinning of the population could even be somewhat beneficial.

But so, too, some among the far right say about the Great Depression. The economy would have recovered without government's New Deal interventi­on.

Yes, they are right, but that's if one is willing to overlook all the human suffering in illness, financial catastroph­e, broken families, increased crime, unemployme­nt for years, starvation and babies without milk.

It all comes down to deciding who we are and who we want to be.

Frank Mitchell, Columbus

Legendary golfer stirred up things with his endorsemen­t

Well, it seems Jack Nicklaus has really stirred things up with his endorsemen­t of President Trump (USA TODAY article, Oct. 29 Dispatch). Why are so many folks upset with Michael Arace, the Dispatch sportswrit­er for last Sunday's column (“Do Orr, Nicklaus have same Trump writer?”)? After all, Jack Nicklaus started it by publicly endorsing a morally flawed president.

When I first read about the endorsemen­t, I wondered why he would make that public statement when his beloved golf tournament relies on corporate sponsors who tout their diversity and inclusion programs. Take a look at some of their websites. I wonder how their CEOS and employees will react when Nicklaus comes asking. Or maybe no one cares. It's only money.

Linda Hines, Columbus

 ??  ?? Wearing a mask is easier than what first responders endure
Wearing a mask is easier than what first responders endure
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