The Columbus Dispatch



St. Louis protesters call on Hawley to resign from Senate

ST. LOUIS – Several hundred protesters gathered in downtown St. Louis to call on Republican Sen. Josh Hawley to resign over his continued rejection of Democrat Joe Biden’s election victory – even after supporters of President Donald Trump attacked the U.S. Capitol.

Those at the Saturday demonstrat­ion outside the historic Old Courthouse in downtown St. Louis. chanted “No Hawley. No KKK. No fascist USA,” and held signs calling on the first-term Missouri senator to resign.

They also painted “RESIGN HAWLEY” in large yellow block letters in the middle of the street.

Many of Trump’s allies, including members of his Cabinet, have distanced themselves from him since Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building Wednesday following a rally in which Trump riled them up.

Five people died as a result of the riot, including a Capitol Police officer who was struck in the head by a fire extinguish­er.

Hawley has rejected the calls for him to resign and said repeatedly that he will not apologize for giving voice to millions who question the results of the election.

Savannah reports no 2020 fire deaths, first time in a decade

SAVANNAH. Ga. – Authoritie­s in Georgia’s oldest city say they saw no deaths from fires in 2020, the first time that’s happened in a decade.

The Savannah Fire Department said in a news release it responded to 920 fires last year, but nobody died. Savannah wasn’t so fortunate during the previous nine years. The department says 41 people died as a result of fires between 2011 and 2019.

“Despite the increased number of people working and studying from home in 2020, fire incidents are down, and we made it through a tumultuous year without a single fire-related death,” Savannah Fire Chief Derik Minard said.

He credited not only his department’s effectiveness at fighting fires, but also its efforts toward fire prevention and education.

Anti-abortion faith leaders support use of COVID-19 vaccines

In a growing consensus, religious leaders at the forefront of the anti-abortion movement in the United States are telling their followers that the leading vaccines available to combat COVID-19 are acceptable to take, given their remote and indirect connection to lines of cells derived from aborted fetuses.

One outspoken foe of abortion based in Dallas, Southern Baptist megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, has called the vaccines a “present from God.”

The Rev. Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theologica­l Seminary, also has celebrated the vaccines’ developmen­t.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which says fighting abortion is its “preeminent” priority, said last month that getting vaccinated against the coronaviru­s “ought to be understood as an act of charity toward the other members of our community,” according to a statement by the chairmen of its Committee on Doctrine and Committee on Pro-life Activities.

San Diego sees clash of Trump supporters, counterpro­testers

SAN DIEGO – Supporters of President Donald Trump clashed with counterpro­testers in San Diego on Saturday, prompting police to declare the gathering an unlawful assembly because of acts of violence.

Officers were hit with rocks, bottles and eggs, police said, and the crowd directed pepper spray at them.

KSWB-TV tweeted video of counterdem­onstrators, most of them dressed in black and waving an antifa flag, throwing a folding chair and spraying a chemical irritant at a smaller group of people participat­ing in the march on the Pacific

Beach boardwalk.

The station said in other instances, members of both groups shoved and threw objects at one another.

Police sent in dozens of officers in riot gear to separate the two groups. Police asked residents to stay away from the area and warned that those who refused to disperse may be cited or arrested.

Average US price of gas up 9 cents a gallon to $2.35

CAMARILLO, Calif. – The average U.S. price of regular-grade gasoline jumped 9 cents a gallon over the past three weeks to $2.35.

Industry analyst Trilby Lundberg of the Lundberg Survey said Sunday a rise in crude oil prices spurred the increase.

The price at the pump is 30 cents less than it was a year ago.

The highest average price in the nation is $3.40 a gallon in the San Francisco Bay Area. The lowest average is $1.90 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

The average price of diesel spiked 7 cents over the past three weeks to $2.65. The survey was conducted Friday.

South Korean diplomat in Iran over seized ship, frozen funds

downtown St. Louis on Saturday.

TEHRAN, Iran – A South Korean diplomatic delegation arrived in Iran on Sunday to negotiate the release of a tanker and its crew seized by Iranian forces amid an escalating financial dispute between the countries, Iranian state-run media reported.

Iranian officials have been pressing South Korea to release some $7 billion in assets tied up in the country’s banks due to American sanctions. It appeared the Islamic Republic was seeking to increase its leverage over Seoul ahead of South Korea’s pre-scheduled regional trip, which included a stop in Qatar.

Iran maintains the tanker and its 20member crew were stopped in the mouth of the Persian Gulf because of the vessel’s “environmen­tal pollution,” a claim rejected by the vessel’s owner. The crew, including sailors from Indonesia, Myanmar, South Korea and Vietnam, remain in custody at the port city of Bandar Abbas near the Strait of Hormuz.

 ?? CHRISTIAN GOODEN/ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH VIA AP ?? About 300 demonstrat­ors called for Sen. Josh Hawley, R-MO., to resign
because of his role in challengin­g the presidenti­al election results, in
CHRISTIAN GOODEN/ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH VIA AP About 300 demonstrat­ors called for Sen. Josh Hawley, R-MO., to resign because of his role in challengin­g the presidenti­al election results, in

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