The Columbus Dispatch

An unconventi­onal inaugurati­on

More security after breach, fewer events due to virus

- Savannah Behrmann

WASHINGTON – President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurate­d at noon on Jan. 20, becoming the 46th president of the United States.

But it won’t be a typical inaugurati­on, for several reasons.

The ongoing coronaviru­s pandemic and fresh security concerns, following supporters of President Donald Trump breaching the Capitol last week, have combined to force some changes to what is a historical American day.

Most of the events surroundin­g Biden’s swearing-in will be virtually focused.

What will the day look like?

CNN reported that Biden will arrive at the nation’s capital the same way he did for decades as a senator: the Amtrak train.

Biden’s affinity for Amtrak is wellknown because of his daily commute for 36 years between Wilmington and Washington, D.C., while serving as a senator from Delaware. The railroad estimated he had traveled 2.1 million miles on its rails.

He will still be sworn in on the steps of the Capitol. Despite fears that proTrump rioters would return to Washington on Inaugurati­on Day, Biden has insisted that he will proceed with his swearing-in ceremony as planned.

“I am not afraid to take the oath outside,” he said Monday.

Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will then lay a wreath and conduct a Pass in Review inspection of the troops at the Capitol. They will be joined by their partners, Jill Biden and Doug Emhoff.

The Bidens will receive a presidenti­al escort from 15th Street to the White House after Biden’s swearing-in on the West Front of the Capitol. The escort will include representa­tives of every branch of the military, including the U.S. Army Band, a Joint Service Honor

Guard, and the Commander-in-chief’s Guard and Fife and Drum Corps from the 3rd U.S. Infantry “The Old Guard.”

What is different this year?

Biden’s inaugurati­on, and the traditiona­l events surroundin­g it, will be scaled down because of the health risks posed by the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Tickets to the swearing-in ceremony are limited; parade viewing stands have been dismantled near the White House to discourage crowds; inaugural balls have been canceled; and health officials are urging people not to travel and attend.

Instead of thousands of people gathering on the National Mall for the festivitie­s, the traditiona­l parade down Pennsylvan­ia Avenue will be replaced by a virtual parade that will be televised, the Presidenti­al Inaugural Committee has announced.

The parade will celebrate America’s heroes, highlight Americans from all walks of life in different states and regions; and reflect the country’s diversity, heritage and resilience, inaugural planners said.

Inaugurati­on Day will consist of virtual events, according to Biden’s inau

guration website, that mirror the format and style of the virtual Democratic National Convention last summer.

‘America United’ theme

The theme for the event will be “America United,” an issue that’s long been a central focus for Biden, but one that’s taken on added weight.

In an announceme­nt shared first with The Associated Press, the Presidenti­al Inaugural Committee said that the theme “reflects the beginning of a new national journey that restores the soul of America, brings the country together, and creates a path to a brighter future.”

Heightened security

Less than a week after a violent mob stormed the Capitol in a deadly security breach, the Secret Service expressed confidence Monday in a sprawling plan to secure the presidenti­al inaugurati­on, describing it as a “zero fail mission.”

Five people, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer, died as a result of last week’s violence when attackers, many of them armed and waving flags in support of President Donald Trump, rushed the Capitol where lawmakers were formally confirming Biden’s victory in November’s election.

Michael Plati, the agent leading the effort, vowed a “robust ... presence” of law enforcemen­t and National Guard, along with a layered network of fencing and vehicle checkpoint­s to repel potential threats.

The FBI has warned authoritie­s of the possibilit­y of armed demonstrat­ions on Inaugurati­on Day in Washington and in state capitals, according to an official with knowledge of the matter.

Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser has extended a citywide emergency declaratio­n through the day after the inaugurati­on, explaining the “motivation (of those who stormed the Capitol) is ongoing.”

Bowser also said she requested that the Department of the Interior, which oversees the National Park Service, cancel and deny public gathering permits through Jan. 24.

Trump on Monday declared a preemptive emergency in Washington for the inaugurati­on of his successor, a move that will allow local officials to more quickly draw on federal resources.

The emergency declaratio­n will allow the Department of Homeland Security to coordinate disaster relief and to provide assistance for emergency measures “to lessen or avert the threat of a catastroph­e in the District of Columbia,” the White House said.

Who will attend?

Trump said that he will not be attending Biden’s inaugurati­on, breaking with more than 150 years of tradition. Vice President Mike Pence will attend.

Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, and former first ladies Michelle Obama, Laura Bush and Hillary Clinton are expected to attend.

Former President Jimmy Carter, who is 96, announced that he will not attend. This is the first inaugurati­on he has missed since he became president in 1977.

Contributi­ng: John Fritze, Michael Collins, Kevin Johnson, Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY; Associated Press

 ?? PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP ?? Preparatio­ns take place for President-elect Joe Biden’s inaugurati­on on the west front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington.
PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP Preparatio­ns take place for President-elect Joe Biden’s inaugurati­on on the west front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington.

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