The Columbus Dispatch

World leaders hail new US president

Many see fresh start with Biden to address needs such as climate change

- Lorne Cook and Christophe­r Sherman

MEXICO CITY – Leaders across the globe welcomed the arrival of President Joe Biden and the end of the often confrontat­ional presidency of Donald Trump, noting the world’s most pressing problems, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, require multilater­al cooperatio­n, an approach Trump ridiculed.

Many expressed hope Wednesday that Biden would right the world’s largest democracy two weeks after they watched rioters storm the Capitol, shaking the faith of those fighting for democracy in their own countries.

Government­s targeted and sanctioned under Trump embraced the chance for a fresh start with Biden, and some heads of state who lauded Trump’s blend of nationalis­m and populism were more restrained in their expectatio­ns for the Biden administra­tion – and in some cases spoke nostalgica­lly of the Trump years.

But a chance to repair frayed alliances and work together to address problems extending beyond any one country’s borders carried the day.

Biden “understand­s the value and the importance of multilater­alism. He understand­s the importance of cooperatio­n among nations,” said former Colombia president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Juan Manuel Santos, who left office in 2018.

“As a matter of fact, if we don’t cooperate – all nations – to fight climate change, then we will all perish. It’s as simple as that,” Santos said.

French President Emmanuel Macron also noted the urgency of addressing the perils the world faces from climate change after Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris climate accord. Biden signed an order reentering the U.S. into the accord in the first hours of his presidency.

With Biden, “we will be stronger to face the challenges of our time. Stronger to build our future. Stronger to protect our planet,” he wrote on Twitter. “Welcome back to the Paris Agreement!”

Elsewhere in Europe, close U.S. allies finally saw a chance to come in out of the cold after strained security and economic relationsh­ips with the Trump administra­tion.

“This new dawn in America is the moment we’ve been awaiting for so long,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, hailing Biden’s arrival as “resounding proof that, once again after four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House.”

European Council President Charles Michel said that trans-atlantic relations have “greatly suffered in the last four years. In these years, the world has grown more complex, less stable and less predictabl­e.”

“We have our differences and they will not magically disappear. America seems to have changed, and how it’s perceived in Europe and the rest of the world has also changed,” added Michel, whose open criticism of the Trump era contrasted with the silence that mostly reigned in Europe while the Republican leader was in the White House.

In Germany, President Frank-walter

Steinmeier issued a video statement, calling Biden’s inaugurati­on a “good day for democracy.”

“Despite the attempts to tear at America’s institutio­nal fabric, election workers and governors, the judiciary and Congress have proven strong,” he said.

In Ballina, Ireland, where Biden’s great-great-grandfathe­r was born in 1832, a mural of a smiling Biden adorned a wall in the town, where some of the president’s relatives still live.

“As he takes the oath of office, I know that President Biden will feel the weight of history – the presence of his Irish ancestors who left Mayo and Louth in famine times in search of life and hope,” Prime Minister Micheal Martin said.

Pope Francis urged Biden to help foster reconcilia­tion in the U.S. and build up a society “marked by authentic justice and freedom” and looking out especially for the poor.

The “grave crises” facing all of humanity call for farsighted responses, Francis said.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who formed close ties with Trump, noted a “warm personal friendship” with Biden. “I look forward to working with you to further strengthen the U.s.-israel alliance … and to confront common challenges, chief among them the threat posed by Iran,” Netanyahu said.

In Latin America, Biden faces immediate challenges on immigratio­n and the leaders of the two most populous countries – Brazil and Mexico – were chummy with Trump. The Trump administra­tion also took a hard line against government­s in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, expanding painful sanctions.

In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro’s government urged dialogue with the Biden administra­tion, while hoping the incoming president abandons the avalanche of damaging sanctions Trump imposed to attempt a regime change.

Some Venezuelan­s, however, like retired accountant Jesús Sánchez, 79, said he was disappoint­ed to see Trump leave power. Trump backed opposition leader Juan Guaidó, giving Venezuelan­s like him hope that Maduro’s days in power were numbered.

Carlos Vecchio, Guaido’s envoy in Washington who the U.S. recognizes as Venezuela’s ambassador, tweeted photos of himself at Biden’s inaugurati­on. The invitation to attend was touted by Venezuela’s opposition as evidence the Biden administra­tion will continue its strong support and resist entreaties by Maduro for dialogue that the U.S. has strenuousl­y rejected until now.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-canel railed against Trump via Twitter, citing “more than 200 measures that tightened the financial, commercial and economic blockade, the expression of a despicable and inhuman policy.”

In Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who cultivated an unexpected­ly friendly relationsh­ip with Trump and was one of the last world leaders to recognize Biden’s victory, read from a letter he sent to Biden in 2012, calling for reorientin­g the bilateral relationsh­ip away from security and military aid and toward developmen­t.

He urged Biden to implement immigratio­n reform, and added: “We need to maintain a very good relationsh­ip with the United States government and I don’t have any doubt that it’s going to be that way.”

 ?? SAYYID ABDUL AZIM/AP ?? Kenyans in Nairobi watch President Joe Biden’s inaugurati­on on television Wednesday.
SAYYID ABDUL AZIM/AP Kenyans in Nairobi watch President Joe Biden’s inaugurati­on on television Wednesday.

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