The Columbus Dispatch

Pfizer vaccine works well in big ‘real world’ test


A real-world test of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in more than half a million people confirms that it’s very effective at preventing serious illness or death, even after one dose.

Wednesday’s published results, from a mass vaccinatio­n campaign in Israel, give strong reassuranc­e that the benefits seen in smaller, limited testing persisted when the vaccine was used much more widely in a general population with various ages and health conditions.

The vaccine was 92% effective at preventing severe disease after two shots and 62% after one. Its estimated effectiveness for preventing death was 72% two to three weeks after the first shot, a rate that may improve as immunity builds over time.

It seemed as effective in folks over 70 as in younger people.

“This is immensely reassuring ... better than I would have guessed,” said the Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Gregory Poland.

Vanderbilt University’s Dr. Buddy Creech agreed: “Even after one dose we can see very high effectiveness in prevention of death,” he said.

Neither doctor had a role in the Israel study but both are involved in other coronaviru­s vaccine work.

Both doctors also said the new results may boost considerat­ion of delaying the second shot, as the United Kingdom is trying, or giving one dose instead of two to people who have already had COVID-19, as France is doing, to stretch limited supplies.

“I would rather see 100 million people have one dose than to see 50 million people have two doses,” Creech said. “I see a lot of encouragem­ent on one dose” in the results from Israel, which were published by the New England Journal of Medicine.

The vaccine, made by Pfizer and its German partner Biontech, is given as two shots, three weeks apart, in most countries.

The study was led by researcher­s from the Clalit Research Institute and Ben-gurion University of the Negev in

Israel, with Harvard University in the United States. It did not report on safety of the vaccine, just effectiveness, but no unexpected problems arose in previous testing.

Researcher­s compared nearly 600,000 people 16 and older in Israel’s largest health care organizati­on who were given shots in December or January to an equal number of people of similar age, sex and health who did not receive vaccine. None of the participan­ts had previously tested positive for the virus.

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