The Columbus Dispatch

Study: Black men, boys more likely to be gun victims

Trump expected to assert his standing as head of GOP

- Nada Hassanein

Young Black men and teens made up more than a third of firearm homicide victims in the nation in 2019, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The analysis, released Tuesday and titled “A Public Health Crisis in the Making,” found that although Black men and boys ages 15 to 34 make up just 2% of the nation’s population, they were among 37% of gun homicide victims that year.

That’s 20 times higher than white males of the same age group.

Of all reported firearm homicides in 2019, more than half of victims were Black men, according to the study spearheade­d by the Educationa­l Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Sixty-three percent of male victims were Black.

Across all ages, Black men were nearly 14 times more likely to die in a firearm homicide than white men, and eight times more likely to die in a firearm homicide than the general population, including women.

Black women and girls are also at higher risk. Black females had a higher risk of being killed by a firearm than females of any other race or ethnicity, and they were four times as likely to be victims than white females.

“Gun violence has for the longest time been a public health crisis in the Black community,” said epidemiolo­gist Ed Clark of Florida A&M University’s Institute of Public Health.

The gun violence expert said a “holistic approach” is needed to reduce gun fatalities and injuries.

“That should include really viewing gun violence as a public health issue. The business of public health is population wellness – looking at how we can decrease the disease burden or the threat of injury to the population at large,” he said. “And gun violence is definitely a problem that should be looked at through that lens.”

After Black males and females, American Indian and Alaska Natives were the next highest-risk group, according to the analysis, followed by Latino and Hispanic people.

Evidence suggests gun homicides rose “dramatical­ly” last year during the pandemic, the authors said, but because of what they argued is a lack of timely data, “we won’t know the full scale of the problem for many months to come.”

The emerging data suggests, the authors wrote, that suicides among Black people rose disproport­ionately, though the study found the majority of all suicide deaths by firearm, 73%, were among white males. White men were more than twice as likely to die by a firearm suicide than others.

Sixty percent of all firearm deaths in 2019 were suicides. In total, 39,707 people died from gun violence that year.

“Despite the limitation­s, gun death data are the most reliable type of gun violence data currently available – but gun deaths are only the tip of the iceberg of gun violence. Many more people are shot and survive their injuries, are shot at but not hit, or witness gun violence,” the analysis reads. “Many experience gun violence in other ways, by living in impacted communitie­s, losing loved ones to gun violence, or being threatened with a gun.”

WASHINGTON – A gathering of conservati­ves this weekend in Florida will serve as an unabashed endorsemen­t of former President Donald Trump’s desire to remain the leader of the Republican Party – and as a forum to fan his false claim that he lost the November election only because of widespread voter fraud.

Matt Schlapp, chairman of the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference and a Trump ally, said discussion panels on election integrity would highlight “huge” evidence of illegal voting in Georgia, Nevada and elsewhere that ultimately swung the election for Democrat Joe Biden.

Such baseless claims fueled the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and have been repeatedly dismissed by the courts, the Trump administra­tion’s leading security officials and senior Republican­s in Congress, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell of Kentucky.

The conference marks the first significant gathering of Republican­s since the election and its aftermath as the party reckons with the faction that continues to support Trump as its leader and those who think the GOP needs to move quickly beyond the turbulent era of his presidency. Conference organizers, representi­ng the first camp, did not invite any of the 17 Republican members of Congress who voted to support Trump’s second impeachmen­t or any major Trump critics.

Mcconnell, a regular at the annual conference, will not be on the program after publicly chastising Trump for inciting last month’s deadly insurrecti­on at the Capitol. Mcconnell and his allies were worried that Trump will undermine the party’s political future should the former president and his conspiracy theories continue to dominate Republican politics.

But at the conference, which will feature Trump along with most of the GOP’S leading 2024 presidenti­al prospects, organizers say election fraud will be a major theme.

“Because we pretty much wiped away scrutiny in a lot of these important swing states, you had a lot more illegal voting. That is not an opinion, that is fact,” Schlapp told The Associated Press before the conference’s kickoff Thursday evening. But in five dozen court cases around the country after the election, no such evidence was presented, and Trump’s then-attorney general, William Barr, said the Justice Department also had found none.

At the conference, though, those fact-based assessment­s are likely to be few, if any.

Trump himself was to headline the three-day session with a Sunday speech that would be his first public appearance since leaving the White House on Jan. 20. The event is being held in central Florida, having been blocked from meeting at its usual Maryland hotel by coronaviru­s restrictio­ns in that state.

Trump has been keeping a relatively low profile since he moved from the White House to Palm Beach a month ago. He was expected to use his speech to assert his standing as the head of the party, as well as to dish harsh criticism of Biden’s first month in office, including the new president’s efforts to undo Trump’s immigratio­n policies.

“I think the broader point will be: Here’s where the Republican Party and conservati­ve movement and the America First movement goes from here,” said senior Trump adviser Jason Miller. “In many ways, this will be a throwback to 2016, where the president ran against Washington. Here we’ll see the president address the fact that the only divide in the Republican Party is between the elites and the conservati­ve grassroots in the party.”

Trump has begun to wade back into the public, calling into friendly news outlets after the death of conservati­ve commentato­r Rush Limbaugh and after golfer Tiger Woods’ serious car accident. His aides have been meeting this week to set benchmarks for fundraisin­g and organizati­on for candidates seeking his endorsemen­t as he tries to plot a future that will include backing those who will challenge lawmakers who voted for his impeachmen­t and whom he deems insufficiently loyal.

“They need to show that they’re going to be serious candidates before asking the president to get out there for them,” Miller said.

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, among several scheduled speakers who are contemplat­ing a 2024 presidenti­al run, declined to describe Trump as the outright leader of the GOP.

“In opposition, when you don’t have the White House, there are many more voices that lead the party,” Cotton said in an interview.

The event will feature a seven-part series on “Protecting Elections,” including one titled “Why Judges & Media Refused to Look at the Evidence,” featuring Rep. Mo Brooks, R-ala. The conservati­ve congressma­n addressed the rally near the White House just before the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, telling the crowd, “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.”

Others who attended “Stop the Steal” rallies and participat­ed in efforts to overturn the results will also be featured alongside panelists bemoaning China’s power, “Cancel Culture,” and “California Socialism.”

Trump has a long history with CPAC, which played a key role in his emergence as a force in conservati­ve politics. He attended the conference every year he served as president.

While he is mulling running again four years from now, the event will feature speakers thought to be considerin­g their own runs in 2024, including former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri, and Govs. Ron Desantis of Florida and Kristi Noem of South Dakota.

In the interview, Cotton refused to say there was widespread election fraud in the 2020 election. In an implicit nod to those who do, he encouraged efforts by Republican officials in various states to strengthen election security. Voting rights groups fear that such efforts will make it more difficult for many people, especially nonwhite voters, to cast ballots.

“I don’t want election procedures that were adopted in the middle of a pandemic to become the normal practice,” Cotton told the AP. “Especially when those procedures are – just as a factual matter – more susceptibl­e to potential fraud.”

Among those who will not be in attendance this weekend: former Vice President Mike Pence, who has maintained a low profile since leaving the White House and refusing to go along with Trump’s efforts to overturn the election.

Schlapp noted that controvers­ial Trump loyalist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA., was not invited to address the conference, although she was welcome to attend.

“You really can’t include everybody,” he said.

 ?? HANNAH LESTER/AP FILE FILE ?? Evidence suggests gun homicides rose dramatical­ly last year, according to authors of an analysis.
HANNAH LESTER/AP FILE FILE Evidence suggests gun homicides rose dramatical­ly last year, according to authors of an analysis.
 ?? FILE JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP ?? Former President Donald Trump, scheduled to speak Sunday at the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference, has been keeping a relatively low profile since he moved from the White House to Palm Beach, Fla., a month ago.
FILE JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP Former President Donald Trump, scheduled to speak Sunday at the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference, has been keeping a relatively low profile since he moved from the White House to Palm Beach, Fla., a month ago.

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