The Columbus Dispatch

Iran internet disruption reported amid unrest

Remote province deals with border shootings

- Isabel Debre

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Iran’s impoverish­ed southeast experience­d wide disruption­s of internet service over the past week, internet experts said Saturday, as unrest gripped the remote province after fatal border shootings.

Several rights groups reported in a joint statement that authoritie­s shut down the mobile data network in the restive province of Sistan and Baluchesta­n, calling the disruption­s an apparent “tool to conceal” the government’s harsh crackdown on protests convulsing the area.

The reports of internet interferen­ce come as Iranian authoritie­s and semiofficial news agencies increasing­ly acknowledg­e the turmoil challengin­g local authoritie­s in the southeast – a highly sensitive matter in a country that seeks to repress all hints of political dissent.

For three days starting Wednesday, the government shut down the mobile data network across Sistan and Baluchesta­n, where 96% of the population accesses the internet only through their phones, rights groups said, crippling the key communicat­ion tool. Residents reported a restoratio­n of internet access early Saturday.

“This is Iran’s traditiona­l response to any kind of protest,” Amir Rashidi from Miaan Group, a human rights organizati­on that focuses on digital security in the Middle East, told The Associated Press on Saturday. “Shutting down the internet to block news and pictures getting out makes (authoritie­s) feel more comfortabl­e opening fire.”

The week saw a series of escalating confrontat­ions between police and protesters. Crowds with light arms and grenade launchers descended on Kurin checkpoint near Iran’s border with Pakistan on Thursday, Abouzar Mehdi Nakhaie, the governor of Zahedan, the provincial capital, said in comments carried by Iran’s semiofficial ISNA news agency. The violence killed one policeman, he added.

Last week, protesters attacked the district governor’s office and stormed two police stations in the city of Saravan, outraged over the shootings of fuel smugglers trying to cross back into Iran from Pakistan on Monday. The border shootings and ensuing clashes killed at least two people, the government said. Many rights activists in the area reported higher death tolls without offering evidence.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Saeed Khatibzade­h, vowed Friday to investigat­e the deaths. Officials insisted that calm had returned to the streets.

The Iranian government previously has cut off internet access and cellphone service in tense times. In the fall of 2019, for instance, Iran imposed a near nationwide internet blackout as anti-government protests sparked by an increase in fuel prices roiled the capital of Tehran and other cities. Hundreds were reportedly killed in the crackdown nationwide. Netblocks, which monitors worldwide internet access, called the reports of disruption “credible,” but couldn’t provide verification.

Given that authoritie­s targeted the mobile network and not landlines, the disruption likely wouldn’t appear on regular network data, said Mahsa Alimardani, researcher at Article 19, an internatio­nal organizati­on that fights censorship. The area already suffered from unreliable internet connection­s.

“This targeted shutdown was very intentiona­l because they knew the realities of this province,” where people are poor and use cheap phones as opposed to computers, Alimardani said. Sistan and Baluchesta­n is one of most unstable and least developed parts of Iran. The relationsh­ip between its predominan­tly Sunni residents and Iran’s Shiite theocracy long has been fraught. A low-level violent insurgency in Sistan and Baluchesta­n involves several militant groups, including those demanding more autonomy for the region.

The area also lies on a major trafficking route for drugs and gasoline, which is highly subsidized in Iran and a key source of income for smugglers.

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