The Columbus Dispatch

Man asks why women don’t give compliment­s or thanks

- Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069

Dear Abby: I am a male reader with a complaint. Have you noticed that women hardly ever compliment men? On ANYTHING! They expect men to compliment them but never reciprocat­e.

If you move furniture, take them out for a nice dinner, buy tickets to their favorite show, buy them a gift, they don’t have enough manners or couth to say thank you or express appreciati­on. Getting a compliment is like pulling teeth from a great white shark while he’s feeding.

Don’t women ever think, “Maybe I should say something to HIM instead of expecting him to say it to me”? Where do they learn this behavior? Are they taught this growing up? Or do they just not care or even realize?

— Shaking My Head In New Jersey

Dear Shaking: My late mother, God rest her soul, once commented to me that people with “class” never use that word.

In this case, I will make an exception and tell you that individual­s of both sexes who have class were taught from early childhood the magic words

“please” and “thank you,” and to express gratitude.

I don’t know what kind of women you are involved with, but it is time to upgrade the quality.

Dear Abby: I’ve been going to the same poke joint for more than five years now. Several of the employees have worked there for years.

I feel at this point, I should know their names, but they don’t wear name tags, and I’m embarrasse­d to ask what their names are after so many years. They don’t know mine either, but they know enough about me to ask how my son is doing or how my work is going.

I’m a little shy and awkward and don’t know how to ask. Should I just keep our weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) exchanges at surface-level chitchat without worrying about what their names are?

— Friendly In The West

Dear Friendly: You can certainly do that. It has worked for you so far. However, if you would like to know the employees’ names, just say that you are “terrible with names, and embarrasse­d to even have to ask after all this time, but ... what is your name? My name is (insert name).”

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