The Columbus Dispatch

Amid deaths, we have more lonely work to do

- Eugene Robinson is on Twitter:

WASHINGTON – This is a moment of terrible tension. We are reaching an unspeakabl­e milestone: the deaths of half a million Americans from COVID-19. At the same time, there is unambiguou­s good news in the fight against the virus. It is possible, finally, to imagine a day when this devastatin­g pandemic is brought to an end. The progress we’ve made toward defeating COVID-19 should sharpen our grief, making it clear how many lives we might have saved had we been unified in our response. But even as we mourn, we cannot despair: There are people who will live if we keep up the hard, lonely work still before us.

Since peaking in early January, the daily tally of new cases in this country has plummeted by more than twothirds. Hospitaliz­ations, an even more reliable measure of the pandemic since they reflect the number of people suffering from serious disease, are falling, too: Fewer than 60,000 people are hospitaliz­ed today with covid-19, as opposed to more than 130,000 for several days last month.

Deaths are a lagging indicator, but those, too, have fallen sharply. On Saturday, according to The Washington Post’s tally, the seven-day daily average of deaths was 1,932 – the first time that figure had fallen below 2,000 since Dec. 4, 2020.

Why such dramatic improvemen­t? For a definitive answer, you’d have to ask the virus, but there are lots of possible contributi­ng factors. We’re past the string of holidays and occasions – Thanksgivi­ng, Christmas, New Year’s, the Super Bowl – that encouraged risky behavior such as large gatherings. Maybe the virus is having a hard time finding new targets in some hard-hit communitie­s.

But however exhausting it might be, we all have dreary, routine work left to do to combat the virus and to protect ourselves and our fellow citizens. It helps that the federal government now sends a consistent message on the need for the simple measures that are known to prevent transmissi­on of the coronaviru­s: mask-wearing, hand-washing and social distancing.

President Joe Biden and his team not only preach these practices but also model them almost religiousl­y – as opposed to the way Trump and his minions equated masklessne­ss with “freedom.” Misguided souls who are convinced that COVID-19 is some kind of hoax are probably still unmoved.

Another possible factor in the apparent waning of the epidemic is the relative success of the rollout of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which are both cause for hope and a reminder of the need for persistenc­e.

True, demand so outpaces supply – at the point of delivery, at least – that vaccine-seekers loiter outside vaccinatio­n clinics at the end of the day on the off-chance that there may be leftover doses. Where I live, the official sign-up list for getting vaccinated was first maintained by the county, then by a local hospital, then once more by the county; now it has been taken over by the state health department. Securing an appointmen­t online involved patience and persistenc­e, and quite a bit of swearing at my laptop and my phone. But I did finally get one. It was worth the effort, both for the relief I felt for myself and my family, and for the small contributi­on I can make to our collective herd immunity.

The coronaviru­s variants are troubling, especially the one first identified in South Africa. It is possible that the virus could come roaring back as quickly as it has ebbed. But we now have serious, competent leadership that believes in science, not conspiracy theories. And whatever the reasons, the tragic COVID-19 toll – still too high – has fallen dramatical­ly from its horrific peak.

We have lost an unimaginab­le 500,000 lives.

But we can keep from losing 500,000 more.

Eugene Robinson @Eugene_robinson.

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