The Columbus Dispatch

Navalny refused visits from doctors

His health worsens in Russian prison clinic

- Vladimir Isachenkov

MOSCOW – Several doctors were prevented Tuesday from seeing Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a prison hospital amid his three-week hunger strike, and authoritie­s stepped up actions against his supporters on the eve of protests called by his team.

Navalny was transferre­d Sunday from a penal colony east of Moscow to a hospital unit at a prison in Vladimir, a city 110 miles east of the capital after his lawyers and associates said his condition has dramatical­ly worsened.

In a post on his Instagram account, Navalny described a grueling search that lasted for several hours before his transfer and wryly described his condition.

“You would laugh if you see me now – a skeleton staggers around his cell,” the post read. “They can use me to scare children who refuse to eat: ‘If you don’t eat porridge, you will be like that man with big ears, shaven head and hollow eyes.’ ”

Navalny added a serious note that he was glad to hear from his lawyer about broad sympathy and support for him in Russia and abroad.

His lawyer, Vadim Kobzev, tweeted that Navalny so far has received only one glucose injection since Sunday at the hospital unit, which is intended to treat tuberculos­is patients.

Six other attempts to give him a shot failed because paramedics apparently weren’t qualified enough to find his vein, he said. “His arms are all blue with the shots,” Kobzev said.

Reports about Navalny’s rapidly deteriorat­ing health have drawn internatio­nal outrage.

His personal physician, Dr. Anastasia Vasilyeva, led three other medical experts to try to visit Navalny at the prison clinic and the IK-3 prison in Vladimir. They were denied entry after waiting for hours outside the gates.

“It’s a show of disrespect and mockery of the doctors,” Vasilyeva tweeted, adding that Navalny’s “life and health are clearly in danger.”

Navalny, who is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most adamant opponent, has been on a hunger strike since March 31 to protest the refusal by prison officials to let his doctors visit him and provide adequate treatment for back pains and numbness in his legs.

Russia’s penitentia­ry service insists that Navalny was getting all the medical help he needs.

Navalny was arrested in January upon his return from Germany, where he had spent five months convalesci­ng from the Novichok nerve agent poisoning he blames on the Kremlin – an accusation Russian officials have rejected. His arrest triggered the biggest protests seen across Russia in recent years. In February, a Moscow court ordered him to serve 21⁄2 years in prison on a 2014 embezzleme­nt conviction that the European Court of Human Rights deemed to be “arbitrary and manifestly unreasonab­le.”

The prison service said in a statement Monday that Navalny’s condition was deemed “satisfacto­ry,” but another of his physicians, Dr. Yaroslav Ashikhmin, said over the weekend that test results provided by his family show Navalny has sharply elevated levels of potassium, which can bring on cardiac arrest, as well as heightened creatinine levels that indicate impaired kidney function.

Despite his worsening condition, Navalny still showed his sardonic humor.

“I laughed when I saw medical luminaries’ comments that with such a level of potassium that I had in my tests, I should have been either in emergency care or in a coffin,” he went on. “No, they wouldn’t get me that easily. I wouldn’t be scared with potassium after Novichok.”

In response to Navalny’s deteriorat­ing health, his associates have called for a nationwide rally Wednesday, the same day that Putin is scheduled to deliver his annual state of the nation address.

Russian authoritie­s, meanwhile, escalated their crackdown on Navalny’s allies and supporters, with the Moscow prosecutor’s office asking a court to brand Navalny’s Foundation for Fighting Corruption and his network of regional offices as extremist organizati­ons.

Human rights activists say such a move would paralyze their activities and expose their members and donors to prison sentences of up to 10 years.

The Moscow prosecutor’s office on Tuesday detailed the accusation­s against Navalny’s organizati­ons, saying it has collected proof of their alleged efforts to “destabiliz­e social and political situation in the country by calls for violence, extremist activities and mass riots” on behalf of unspecified “foreign centers” seeking to overthrow the Russian government.

Navalny’s associates rejected and derided the charges. They also criticized the decision by the Moscow City Court to close the hearings on the grounds that the case contained sensitive informatio­n. The court is due to open the hearings on Monday.

 ?? BABUSKINSK­Y DISTRICT COURT PRESS SERVICE VIA AP, FILE ?? Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been on a hunger strike since March 31.
BABUSKINSK­Y DISTRICT COURT PRESS SERVICE VIA AP, FILE Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been on a hunger strike since March 31.

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