The Columbus Dispatch

A legacy of public service journalism

Shines light on injustice, need for reform

- Mike Wagner

Shortly after taking his first steps as a free man in almost 18 years, Robert Mcclendon stopped on the street and looked up at the clear blue sky.

Wearing a “Hello Truth” T-shirt, he wiped away tears, and pointed at two Dispatch reporters.

Mcclendon was freed after being convicted of a rape he didn’t commit, following the newspaper’s Test of Conviction­s investigat­ion that found deep flaws in the state’s DNA testing and evidence retention systems. The newspaper helped arrange DNA testing for 30 inmates who claimed they were innocent.

“I’d still be in that cell if it weren’t for you guys,” he said that day in August 2008. “The newspaper gave me my life back.”

Mcclendon would be followed by six others. The men served a combined 138 years in prison.

State lawmakers also approved a wrongful conviction law that has prevented an untold number of others from having their lives taken from them by the justice system.

Mcclendon, who celebrates the 12th anniversar­y of his release this week, said he and the other men are living proof of how newspapers can change the world for the better.

“I will forever be grateful for the Columbus Dispatch,” said Mcclendon, who lives on the East Side of Columbus.

“I know the newspaper has fought for regular people for a long time. “

That fight has been part of the Dispatch’s history since it was first printed in 1871.

The newspaper’s commitment to investigat­ive and enterprise projects, especially in the past few decades, has exposed injustices, prevented abuse and corruption, held people in power accountabl­e, and saved lives.

Sometimes those stories are done in a few days and other projects continue for years. Sometimes the work is done by one reporter and photograph­er, but more often it involves a team of journalist­s who combine their skills to handle the reporting, writing, editing, visuals and presentati­on.

They can involve reviewing databases with millions of records or using informatio­n to create one. Sifting through tens of thousands of paper documents. Inserting a reporter in someone’s life for a week, a month or a year. And interviewi­ng dozens or even hundreds of sources.

The work requires a commitment, an investment of time and money, that starts with the publisher and top-level editors.

As the newspaper continues to celebrate its 150th anniversar­y, Mcclendon and many others are a reminder of newspaper’s legacy and continuing mission to public service journalism.

In just the past five years, in-depth Dispatch stories have had a profound effect on its local community as well as people around the state and country.

They include reporters from the Dispatch and other Gannett newspapers uncovering millions of unserved criminal warrants across the United States. That effort, just in Ohio alone, led to reform of the statewide warrant system that has helped law enforcemen­t find and arrest suspects wanted for serious crimes.

The newspaper illuminate­d life on Sullivant Avenue, an area plagued by poverty, crime and prostituti­on. The project helped city leaders see the need for more investment to improve quality of life.

It exposed a local scam where companies and individual­s preyed upon foreclosed homeowners who were cheated out of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. The stories led to several administra­tive reforms to protect vulnerable people from being scammed and led to one man being indicted.

It investigat­ed the alarming rise of prescripti­on drug costs and the hidden forces that control those costs. The three-year investigat­ion has led to numerous changes in how Ohio Medicaid officials administer prescripti­on drugs, and to one of the largest lawsuit settlement­s in state history that serves as a warning to pharmacy benefit managers taking advantage of the public.

It exposed the rising number of firefighters around Ohio and the nation who were diagnosed with cancer from the carcinogen­s and toxins they face on the job. The project was told through they eyes Mark Rine, a former Columbus firefighter who has terminal melanoma and has spent years warning other firefighters of the cancer risk. The project led to hundreds of department­s upgrading protective equipment and changing their procedures.

“It’s helped lead to a culture change among firefighters,” Rine said. “It saved lives, it will continue to save lives.”

This year, the newspaper examined spending at the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, where taxpayer money accounts for about 20% of the annual budget. The investigat­ion found that the top two zoo officials used resources for personal gain, including allowing family members to live in zoo-owned houses for below-market rents and using tickets paid for by the zoo for family and friends to attend events.

The investigat­ion led the two top zoo officials to resign and sparked several investigat­ions that are still ongoing.

And most recently, Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine signed a new law that will make serious hazing a felony beginning this fall. The law was introduced as a result of an audio series called Broken Pledge that detailed the hazing-related deaths of two central Ohio college students.

“These wrongdoing­s have real effects on residents, whether it be their health or their homes,” said Dispatch Managing Editor Kelly Lecker, who oversees the newspaper’s projects work. “The staff takes the responsibi­lity to shine a spotlight on these misjustice­s very seriously.”

When Michael Berens walked into the Columbus Dispatch newsroom as a copy boy in 1981, there was already culture of investigat­ive reporting in place.

He would learn from talented reporters who specialize­d in unearthing powerful stories in a pile of public records, cultivatin­g sources who helped them expose corruption and identifyin­g wrongdoing or broken systems that led to long-term investigat­ions.

But it was Berens, who would become one of the best investigat­ive reporters in the nation, that took the Dispatch’s investigat­ive projects reporting to a higher level.

His first major investigat­ion started in 1988 and culminated with a rolling series of stories in 1989 that exposed Columbus narcotics detectives who were owners of rental properties that were operating as crack houses. The officers weren’t directly involved in the drug operation, but knew their properties had been transforme­d into drug houses. The stories also detailed questionab­le tactics and actions by drug informants used by the narcotics division.

The reporting led to many changes in the police narcotics bureau, ranging from how raids were conducted to the gathering of evidence, and eventually

led to the police chief retiring following the scandal.

“It was a turning point for the Dispatch within our community in that we showed we would hold anyone accountabl­e,” said Berens, who now works for the Thomson Reuters news organizati­on as an investigat­ive reporter.

Berens would later be named a Pulitzer finalist in the Beat Reporting category in 1995 following a Dispatch series called “Cash Register Justice.” The investigat­ion exposed how Ohio’s municipal court system had created modernday debtor prisons where cash could buy freedom. The series focused on how the poor were locked up for crimes that are not legally punishable, drunken drivers paying up to $1,500 to keep conviction­s off their records, low prosecutio­n rates for domestic violence and how alternativ­e sentencing often wasn’t used.

He would then go on to win the Pulitzer Prize for investigat­ive reporting for the Seattle Times in 2012.

“The Dispatch has always punched above its weight with projects and investigat­ive journalism,” Berens said. “It continued to give a voice to the people and hold people accountabl­e long after I left.”

When Berens left the Dispatch for the Chicago Tribune, then-dispatch editor Michael F. Curtin wanted to continue the paper’s legacy of profound projects.

But he wanted a leader who could arm more of the Dispatch staff with the computer assisted reporting skills and other investigat­ive tools that often anchor the newspaper’s signature work.

Curtin found that leader in Doug Haddix, who joined the Dispatch as it’s projects leader in 1998 after working at newspaper in Scranton, Pa., which was about a third of the Dispatch’s size.

Curtin, who would go on to become the Dispatch Company’s president and chief operating officer, said the paper had resources to devote to reporting. “And I wanted to invest some of that money into a project infrastruc­ture that would position the paper to produce that kind of work for decades. And Haddix was the kind of smart, team builder who passed on the fundamenta­ls to many talented journalist­s.”

Haddix spent his first six years creating different teams of beat reporters for individual projects based on the topic and their expertise.

He then created a formal projects desk with dedicated investigat­ive reporters beginning in 2004 until he left the Dispatch in 2008.

The many public service projects published under Haddix watch included a 1999 series called ‘Appalachia: Hollow Promises’ that showed how the state had failed Ohio’s most poverty-stricken areas and prompted reforms; a 2005 series titled ‘Brokered Dreams’ that exposed the eventual national foreclosur­e crisis years before the mortgage industry collapsed; an investigat­ion called ‘The ABCS of Betrayal’ that uncovered how teachers with who had histories of abusing students where still in the classroom and reforms started within days; and the 2008 DNA series that helped free innocent men.

Aside from the long-term projects Haddix led the effort for the newspaper to collect data or create original data sets from public records that would be transforme­d into searchable databases from Among the first were an agricultur­e subsidy database that showed farmers weren’t always benefitting the most and a state employee salary database where, for example, women could use to the data to prove the were underpaid compared to men in similar jobs.

Haddix left the Dispatch in 2008 for the Investigat­ive Reporters and Editors nonprofit journalism organizati­on where he was a national trainer for three years and it’s executive director for four years.

Despite the financial troubles and downsizing of news organizati­ons around the U.S. Haddix said it’s vital that the powers in journalism continue investing in in-depth investigat­ion and enterprise work.

“Shining a light where powerful people don’t necessaril­y want the light is the only way in a free democracy,” Haddix said. “It’s how the public can find out what is happening and what they can do about it to make real change for the better.

The ideas for the for Dispatch projects and investigat­ions can come from reporter’s beats or coverage areas, readers, or lawsuits and public records.

Reporters who had children immersed in youth sports spent most of 2010 documentin­g the physical toll and injury risks, the chase for scholarshi­ps that don’t exist for most, the financial burden on families and pressures that ultimately cause kids to quit playing. The series helped lead to a new law aimed at protecting children who may have suffered concussion­s.

Reporters covering education in 2012 discovered that officials for the Columbus City Schools had erased millions of student-absence records to improve attendance rates and proficiency test scores and boost the amount of state financial aid. The in-depth reporting went on for almost two years, prompted investigat­ions and resulted in many district officials being discipline­d.

And the idea for a 2015 project called ‘Silent Suffering’ began years before, when the newspaper published a brief about a man who killed himself by jumping off a downtown building. It eventually led to a series that documented the suicide epidemic around Ohio, the need for improvemen­ts in the mental health system and the stigma around talking about mental health problems.

Shortly after the series was published, the newspaper held a community forum at Ohio State University that was standing-room only, filled with people eager to share their own stories.

Alan Miller, the Dispatch’s executive editor, was standing in the back of the room when a woman who had driven 12 hours to attend, told him she hadn’t spoken about her son’s death until reading the Dispatch stories. She had also considered taking her own life.

“Thank you for saving my life,” the woman told Miller.

It was a moment that often reminds Miller why it’s important that the Dispatch and other news organizati­ons continue its mission of public service journalism.

“We were told our journalism helped save lives,” Miller said. “I can’t think of a more-powerful reason to ensure we continue the legacy of that kind of reporting.” @Mikewagner­48

 ?? SHARI LEWIS/COLUMBUS DISPATCH ?? Robert Mcclendon, of Columbus, was the first man to be freed as part of the Dispatch’s “Test of Conviction” project that was first published in 2008.
SHARI LEWIS/COLUMBUS DISPATCH Robert Mcclendon, of Columbus, was the first man to be freed as part of the Dispatch’s “Test of Conviction” project that was first published in 2008.
 ?? KYLE ROBERTSON/COLUMBUS DISPATCH ?? Jordan Anderson writes on the side of a building after a vigil held one year after Donna Dalton Castleberr­y was killed by a Columbus police officer. Her death led to a 2019 Dispatch project that illuminate­d what life was like on Sullivant Avenue, the city’s most troubled area.
KYLE ROBERTSON/COLUMBUS DISPATCH Jordan Anderson writes on the side of a building after a vigil held one year after Donna Dalton Castleberr­y was killed by a Columbus police officer. Her death led to a 2019 Dispatch project that illuminate­d what life was like on Sullivant Avenue, the city’s most troubled area.
 ?? COURTNEY HERGESHEIM­ER/COLUMBUS DISPATCH ?? A 2015 Dispatch series called “Silent Suffering” helped break down the public stigma of talking about suicide and mental health.
COURTNEY HERGESHEIM­ER/COLUMBUS DISPATCH A 2015 Dispatch series called “Silent Suffering” helped break down the public stigma of talking about suicide and mental health.

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